Chapter 12

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I feel myself waking up, but I can't see anything. Is it nighttime? Or am I blindfolded?

"Jill? Are you awake? It's me EJ." I raise my hand up and felt EJ take my hand.

"It's alright, I'm right here."

"D-did this h-happen t-to you too?"

"Of course, it will be all better in a few hours." I sighed, why can't it be a few minutes or even seconds?

"Do you want me to remove the bandage?" I was right, I was practically blind from a bandage.

"Y-yes." He carefully picked my head up and removed the bandage. When he removed the last layer, I saw him a little bit.

"H-how long have I been out?"

"About 2 hours I believe."

"C-can I see that mirror over there?" He got up and handed me the mirror, I looked at myself and saw the empty black sockets that my eyes were once in. I saw the black streaks of the dry blood. I saw that I was no longer my original skin color, I was a dark gray, just like EJ. I opened my mouth and saw the shark-like teeth, I put the mirror down and grabbed my mask to put it on. It's weird, when I first put it on, when I still had my eyes, I couldn't see anything, but now I can see clearly everything. Without it, I can't see a single thing. Some weird black magic must have something to do with it. Yea. Black magic. I get up and off my bed to stand. I'm still a little dizzy and almost fall on the floor.

"Easy, you just woke up, did you take your medicine yet?"

"I have medicine?"

"Of course, you'll need it to keep the pain away."

"Oh, well can you get me some soda or water so I can take it? Please?" EJ got up and grabbed a glass of cold soda, I grabbed the pill and swallowed it down. My eyes already feel better. Then Elisa comes in and looks at me.

"Why do you have that mask on "Jill"?" She said that in the most funny sarcastic ways. I look at EJ and he nods, I take off my mask and watch as my sister slowly falls to the floor crying. I'm blind, but not that blind, I can see her figure ok? I put my mask back on.

"What happened to you Jill?" I thought that all you will have is a mask and nickname, not this!"

"It's how it goes, Ally." I smiled, she didn't see it, but I smiled to try to warm her up. I went to her and hugged her, I never liked it when she cried. I kept hugging her until she stopped crying. Indeed it was a sad day, but I have to admit, I look pretty cool!

We got Elisa up and on my bed, EJ gave her a few tissues and a trash can to put them in. BEN walked in and sat by her hugging, if BEN hugs someone then that means that it's pretty serious.

"Did you show her your new look?" She screamed and cried harder.

"I guess so, Elisa, it's ok. Everything will-"

"NO! I don't want my sister to look like this!" We heard a speaker go off in every room.

"Elisa drowned, please come to the main hall, Elisa drowned." She got up and we walked with her until we were at the main hall. Slendy came out and politely reached for her hand, she grabbed it and Slendy took her to another room. We just sat there waiting, then we heard screaming, terrible, blood-curling screams coming out of the room. I ran away before I could hear any more of her pain. EJ ran toward me again and after 10 minutes of running, he caught up to me and stopped me, then removed both our masks. He can see the tears coming out of my empty sockets.

"Please, don't cry, I don't like to see you cry. I know it's painful to hear someone you love get hurt." I went to my room for a while and just thought of how my life has gone by fast. Hours have passed when I heard this beautiful music, somehow hypnotizing. I hear a beautiful tune with an amazing voice. I get up, and follow the music.

"Come little children, I'll take thee away, into a land of enchantment. Come little children, the times come to play. Here in my garden of shadows."

It was such a beautiful tone, I just need to see who is singing this beautiful tune. I feel a hand on my shoulder but do not jump, EJ talks to me, but I can't hear him, I keep hearing that beautiful tone. I push his arms off me and ask him something.

"Do you hear that beautiful voice?" He looked at me puzzled.

"I think you need some rest Jill, here, I'll help you to the room. He takes me to the opposite direction of the music and it disappears. I'm sitting on my bed as EJ sits beside me, just incase something happens to me I guess. Then, I hear the sweet music again, I get up and start to follow it again. EJ grabbed a hold of me, but I shook his arms off and start towards the music. So beautiful. So pretty.

"Jill! Stop! I don't know what you can hear. But snap out of it!!" I ignore him. Who is playing this beautiful music? I start to run towards it. I look left and right and all I see are doors. As I get close to one, the music fades, so I go on to the next, then the next, then so on. As I hit the last door of the hallway, the music gets louder, and when I opened it, it got smaller. The room was empty and dark, but that didn't stop me, I followed the music until I fell into a hole. I felt myself falling into a black abyss. I was not scared, or worried, I was expressionless. As I hit the bottom, I find myself on a table latched together. I snap out of the trance and started to scream. I heard the song over, and over, and over. Make it stop.

"Stop the music! Who are you?"

"I'm afraid to ask you the same thing, Jill, or as I know, Luna." I was going crazy, I knew it too. But, I know I never heard this kind of music before, so is it real? Am I dreaming? I'm not sure anymore.

"W-what's your name?" There was a long silence.

"You don't know me? We are practically best friends." I froze as I saw somebody that I used to know.

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