Chapter 18

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I wake up on my bed, again. My head is killing me! What happened yesterday? How long have I been out? I get up from my bed and head to the kitchen to find an ice pack. I look in the freezer, no ice, figures. As I close the freezer door, a little girl popped up.
I jumped, and sighed.
"Hey Sally, what are you doing here?"
"I was about to ask you the same question Jill."
"Just trying to find ice for my head."
"You mean this?" She held out a bag of ice.
"Yea, can I use it?"
"Here, I didn't need it anyway."
"Do you have any pain pills by any chance?"
"Can I see them?"
"Of course! Here!" She held out her hand and the pills looked a little brown, I grab them, and pretended to take them.
"Ha! You ate doodoo!"
"Actually, look on the floor behind me." I pointed behind me and she was amazed.
"Now," she looked up at me.
"Where did you get these from?"
"From a pretty raven." I sighed.
"Don't pick stuff up from animals ok? The only thing we need from them is meat. But, don't go out getting meat cause you'll hurt yourself." She nodded and walked away. A few minutes later, a siren turned on and I had a feeling that they caught a new person. Speaking of which, I wonder what happened to Jake.
I walked to the area that was well, full. They already started questioning and I quietly went inside without being noticed.
"What's your name?"
"It's Jay ok?"
"Jay? Pretty name."
"Ha! As in mocking Jay?" Laughing Jack bursted out laughing.
"Don't ever! Call me that." She was getting pretty mad.
"Why not? That seems like a great idea calling you that. Mocking Jay. You don't even look that scary."
"I don't look scary to you?" She said that so creepily I actually shivered. She started to look different. Was she changing?
"I'll show you scary, you useless clown." All of a sudden, a wolf appeared on the chair Jay was on. It ran off and started to attack LJ, his names to long, I'll stick with LJ for now.
"Hahaha! Stop it hurts! Hahaha!"
Lots of the pastas started to grab Jay and pull her back.
"Let me go!" Didn't anyone else hear that? Or was I the only one? It feels like it was right besides me. I ran up and started to pull the pastas away.
"Stop! Let her go!" Then someone pushed me and I fell.
Everyone stopped. It's like time was frozen for a long period of time. Jay transformed back and hugged me.
"Thank you." I was still in shock after what happened. Even EJ was shocked. Everything was silent. Even the crickets didn't chirp. Slendy came behind me.
"My child, are you alright?" I looked up at him and nodded.
EJ quickly ran up and lifted me up. Jay changed into a raven and flew away.
"Jay! Wait!" But she was already gone. I jumped out of EJ's arms and followed Jay. She was pretty fast. She finally landed on a roof. I climbed up to see if she's ok.
"Are you ok?" She jumped and looked at me.
"Leave me alone. No one likes me." I crawled closer to her and sat right next to her. Then I saw something covered in a little small blanket.
"What's under the blanket?"
"Come closer to find out." I leaned in closer and she slammed it in my face, pie.
"Haha! I can't believe you fell for it! Your so stupid!" I wiped of the pie from my eyes and got away.
"Great, another prankster." I went inside the place and everyone was staring at me. Then, LJ immediately started to burst out laughing. Then, everyone else. The only ones not laughing was EJ, Slendy, and me. I quickly ran to the restroom and washed off my mask. Embarrassing. Just embarrassing. I came out and saw Jay talking to EJ. She started to lift his mask and kiss him when he stopped her.
"Don't you even think about doing that."
"Oh c'mon! I'll give you a kidney."
"How much for a kiss?"
"Nothing from you."
"Oh, so you'll kiss that freak?"
"You mean Jill? Yes, and she's MY freak got it?"
"HEY! What are you doing to EJ?"
"Nothing freak. Get away from him, he said that you were the ugliest pasta alive. Even worse than The Rake and BOB combined." My heart shattered, I knew that the statement was false, but it hurt really bad.
"I-I was here when E-EJ, was t-talking to-"
"Oh just stop talking already! You're annoying enough!" She quickly pulled EJ's mask off and kissed him. I felt a fire burn my heart away and that's when I knew I had to do something. I ran up to her and punched her in the face without realizing what I just did. She was about to punch me back when I caught her arm and counter-attacked her. We fell on the floor throwing punches and giving bruises. EJ and the rest of the pastas quickly separated us. My mask was cracked and her mouth and nose were bleeding. Slendy quickly grabbed both of us out of the pastas hands and lifted us up in the air.
"Now, was that necessary Jill?"
I stared at Jay with a distaste. Slendy made me face him.
"Was it necessary?!" I nodded my head.
"Yes, it was necessary." He slapped me.
"How dare you attack one of our students. I should just kill you, but your the highest ranking pasta there is, so you better count yourself lucky." He let me go and I ran to Elisa's room.
"Oh hey Jill, what's wrong?" She's at the point to where she finally talk normal again.
"It's horrible! The new kid, Jay, put pie right on my face, embarrassed me, kissed EJ, and we fought. I was almost killed, Slendy said that I was a lucky pasta to be the highest ranking pasta there is, and he said that I must consider myself lucky, cause he said that he could've killed me right then and there."
"That does sound horrible." I fell to the floor crying. I hate it here, I just want to run away with EJ and Elisa, but I have to wait until Elisa gets better.
"We are gonna run away from this place. Me, you, and EJ. He has been planning it ever since you arrived."
"That sounds like a good idea."
"We just have to wait until you get better. We can't afford many stops. Not saying that it's your fault." As soon as I finished my sentence, EJ came in the room all alone.
"Jill, are you ok?" I nodded and told him the whole story about escape.
"That sounds like a good idea!"
We three talked about escaping for a while, then heard a knock on the door."
"Come in." It was Jay, oh no, did she hear our whole conversation?
"So, a little birdie told me that you guys are gonna escape."
Of course, what could go wrong?
"Did I hear escape?" Speak of the devil.
"Yes, Slendy, Jill here was talking about escaping this place."
"Jill, please come to my room please." I walk away from EJ and Elisa, passing Jay, I say,
"You're going to regret this." So quietly, no one heard it but us two. I walk with Slendy to his room and I sit on one of his chairs.
"Why do you want to escape this place Jill? Especially with Elisa and Mr. Eyeless Jack?"
"Because I hate it here, I especially hate Jay, she is so-"
"That's why you want to leave?"
"Yes." And of course, that's the last word I remember before going pitch black.

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