Chapter 15

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I'm all alone in a cell, in pain and just want it to end. All cut up and burned to the muscles in my body. It hurts. So painful. Stitches in my arms and legs almost anywhere.
"H-help me." I started to cry. I don't want to be here anymore.
"H e l l o? I ' m n o t
a l o n e? W h o
i s h e r e?"
"J-Jill, c-can you help me?"
" I c a n ' t I ' m n o
l o n g e r
a l i v e."
"So I'm never getting out of here?"
"I ' m n o t s u r e , I
d i d n ' t
e s c a p e."
She appeared and she looked beaten up and ruined. She looked so pretty to be like that.
"You look too pretty to be in this condition. I bet you were like me at first. Am I right?" She nodded.
"A r e y o u a
c r e e p y p a s t a ?"
"Yea, how did you know?"
"I k n o w h o w t o g e t
Y o u o u t."
"You do?!" I stood up started to cry in joy.
"Y e s , j u s t s a y w h a t I
s a y , o k?" I nodded.
"A l r i g h t , 4 , 5 , 7 , 1 , 0 , 3 , 6 , 3 ."
Again, I nodded.
"A l m o s t."
"C o r r e c t , w a i t a f e w
m o r e s e c o n d s , o k ?" We waited and waited.
"This is slenderman,who is this?"
"Slendy! It's me! Jill! Help me!"
We heard yelling and someone running towards us.
"Jill? Is that you? I'm worried sick of where you are. Are you ok? Where are you? This is EJ by the way."
"Yes it's me. I'm ok right now. I have NO idea where I am. I'm in pain, please, try to do something to get me out of here."
"What do you mean you're in pain?"
"I have cuts,burns, and stitches all over my sides,legs,and arms. It's so painful, I want it to stop. Elisa took my mask off, so I can't see well."
"Oh my god, are you sure- wait, Elisa?! What!? She did that to you?!"
"It's not Elisa, something is controlling her, she is becoming more insane! She killed a girl and she helped me get this thing to call Slendy. Please help, I can't stand anymore." I start to slide down on the wall. The pain, it hurts.
"Jill? Are you still there? I don't care. I'm coming right now to get you out of there." EJ appeared out of thin air and grabbed me carefully.
"Oh, Jill, you look so horrible. We will get all these bandaged up and fixed right away, don't worry."
"EJ," I was growing so faint. "Don't kill her, don't kill Elisa." I was so quiet, he could barely hear me.
"We will take care of you first. We don't care about Elisa right now, we will help her soon." We heard sobbing.
"Y-you don't like me? I thought I was special." It was Elisa, the one who put me in here.
"We have to get going, now!"
"I thought that maybe you can help me Jill, help me with anatomy since I wasn't that good for it, but now you just want to leave me."
"Jill, we better go, Elisa is up for a trick and I know it."
"Well then, if you don't like me," she faced us, she wasn't herself anymore, she was all messed up, even her body wasn't in the right spot, the oozing liquid in her has taken over.
"Then I'll have to force you to stay, and LOVE me."
She reached out and her hands just went to rubber, they stretched and stretched until she had me at my throat.
"Jill! Hang on, I'll get you out of here!"
But it was too late, Elisa has dragged both of us down into the not-so-empty cell.
"Now I have two animals to experiment on."
"Elisa! I know you're in there! It's me Jill, please, come out of the darkness!" "Elisa" started to moan and groan and even scream. I think the real Elisa inside is trying to take back control.
"We will help you Elisa, Jill and I will get you out of this mess." He reached his hand to Elisa's, but when he touched her hand, she broken it without even moving. EJ and I stepped back to prevent anything else from happening, EJ was grabbing his arm as I was holding onto him. This is the first time I've ever been this scared. The fake Elisa suddenly collapsed on the floor. We watched in horror as the oozing liquid around Elisa's body begin to go back inside of her. Elisa stood up, but fell right back down crying.
"I'm so sorry guys, just go on and leave, leave me here. I don't want to hurt you." I grabbed Elisa's hand.
"I'm not leaving you to suffer, I'm taking you to Slendy for some help, I think someone snuck in and did this to you."
"No, I don't want to hurt anyone."
"Too bad, you're coming with." At that moment, black blood came out and stabbed her, I screamed so loud.
"No! Elisa! Stay with me!"
"I-ts ok Jill, I lo-ve yo-u very
mu-ch I want-ed this."
"No! Please don't say this! We already lost mom, I dont want to lose you! What do you need? I'll get anything."
"Jill, c-alm down. I'm f-ine. Don't wo-rry."
"I ' l l H e l p." I turned around and the little girl put her hands where Elisa was stabbed, and dragged out the oozing monster. Immediately, the monster burned and died. She then put her hands on her again, and slowly closed the wound.
"S h e ' s r e f u s i n g m y
h e l p."
"Please, force her if you have to."
"O k." She did it again,and again, and again. Elisa kept refusing, but until the eighth try, she finally gave in and let her help. But, Elisa passed out.
"Elisa, I'm so sorry, I had a feeling that it was bad to be here for you, I should've said to erase your memory of here and return you home, I bet daddy would've been so happy, I hope he's ok."
I don't like How she has to be here and going through this pain and suffering I should've faced. All of this is my fault. I've cried so long, no more tears to flow, I fall to the floor and just collapse. I couldn't take it anymore.

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