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Sam had taken a rather unique case, by far the strangest one of his entire career as a lawyer. And the woman who was suing his client had refused, absolutely refused, to have the actual case settled anywhere but in a courthouse in California. Why, Sam had no idea. He just thought it was an excuse for her to take a vacation on his client's expense, but oh well. More evidence for him to use against her.

But the downside to Sam going to California for the case was that he'd be away from Gabriel. They had been dating for years now, but they'd never really spent a long amount of time away from each other before. They had even gone to college in the same area, for crying out loud. But the California trip would be fine, they assured each other. Sam would only be gone for a few days, seeing as the case wouldn't take too long to settle. Sam thought it had taken longer for them to get a judge and court date in California than it would take him to win the case, and while he was gone, Gabriel would be fine on his own.

He would probably just sit at home, eat a disgusting amount of candy, and binge Netflix, Sam figured. Or, worse case scenario, he would somehow manage to burn down the house and hurt himself. 50/50 chance, and Sam trusted his boyfriend enough to stick to the Netflix binge side of things. 

But then Sam's case had taken longer than he had expected, and instead of being in California for a couple of days, it was a few weeks. He hadn't expected to be away for that long, and if he was being honest, he missed Gabe. A week was long enough without his favorite little Trickster, but three weeks? No thank you. Sure, they talked on the phone every day, but it wasn't the same and they both knew it.

Then, finally, after three and a half weeks at court, the stupid case was over (Sam won, of course, and the nagging woman who just had to have her case in California was now facing a decent amount of fines that they probably wouldn't have bothered with if she had stuck to Kansas) and Sam was heading home.

He wasn't quite sure what he was expecting when he stepped off the plane and into the airport, but it definitely wasn't what greeted him.

Standing near the back of the gate were a bunch of people in chauffeur uniforms and suits, all of them holding small, dull signs with stern expressions on their face. The signs all had various names, cars waiting to take more important people to their hotels and such.

But there, right in the middle of the strict chauffeur men, was a short guy wearing oversized sunglasses, a neon green tank top, booty shorts, red high heels, and a large pink boa. Said short guy was also holding a large, bedazzled, glittery sign with the word "NERD" in bright orange letters.

It was an assault to the eyes, really, but the kicker was that Gabriel, because of course it was Gabriel, was still maintaining the same serious, bored expression as the rest of the chauffeurs, as if it was completely normal for him to be standing here, with said NERD sign, and a ridiculous outfit. People laughed at him as they walked by, and some even took pictures. Yet, Gabriel didn't move, keeping his position like a British guard.

He only broke character when a loud laugh cut through the room. Sam had spotted him, and the moose was currently doubled over, laughing his head off. Unable to contain himself any longer, Gabriel ran for him, not caring as he tripped over himself in the heels. 

The sign was thrown to the ground as Gabe let out a screech and launched himself at Sam, who caught him and spun them around, still laughing as Gabriel wrapped the pink boa around him.

"Welcome home, nerd," Gabriel grinned, pulling him in for a kiss.

"Best welcome home gift ever," Sam smiled, kissing him again.

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