Candy Cravings

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It is well known that Gabriel loves candy.

....Well that was the understatement of eternity.

It is very VERY well known that Gabriel has a worshipful, unhealthy obsession with candy. And we're not just talking a couple of kinds.

No, we're talking rich dark chocolate, smooth milk chocolate, bittersweet chocolate, sour candies, lemon drops, sour patch kids, gummies of all shapes and sizes, M&M's, 3 musketeers, snickers, twix, saltwater taffy, licorice, fudge, rock candy, jelly beans, white chocolate, bit-o-honey, O'Henrys, toffee, gobstoppers, milk duds, candy corn, gumdrops, jolly ranchers, warheads, lollipops, almond joys, reese's peanut butter cups, ribbon candy, mounds bars, big hunk bars, skor bars, Tony's Chocolonley salted caramel chocolate bars, kit-kats, nerds, dum-dums, sweet tarts, mallomars, bon bons, candy buttons, candy canes, candy coated popcorn, pixy sticks, candy jewelry, caramels, pop rocks, fruit drops, ginger bites, gumballs, malt balls, jujubes, dots, mints, junior mints, hershey bars, krackle bars, Mr. Goodbar, nougat candies, rasinettes, hot tamales, laffy taffy, wax candy, runts, mike and ikes, bananaramas, boston baked beans, smarties, swedish fish, candy soda bottles, boot beer barrels, gummy worms, gummy bears, starbursts, york peppermint patties, milky ways, take 5's, rolo, butterfingers, sour punch bites, pufflettes, airheads, Hershey kisses, twizzlers, red vines, trolli, tootsie rolls, fruit chews, Efrutti, toblerones, Maltesers, blow pops, cookie dough bites, more I'm forgetting, and of course, the world's largest supply of Skittles.

Where he found the space to store all this candy, Sam had no idea, because the only stash he knew about was the cabinet under their sink, which was stuffed to the brim with a basic supply of candy, including all of Gabe's personal favorites, not that Gabe had found a kind of candy he didn't like.

One of the reasons Sam thought his relationship with Gabriel worked so well was that he never ate any of Gabe's candy. He didn't have much of a sweet tooth, and wasn't a big fan of eating the overly sugared chemical filled processed candies. Gabriel on the other hand.... Well, it was just a miracle that Gabe didn't have diabetes at this point.

But lately, for some reason, Sam had been getting a craving for all things sweet. He wasn't quite sure why (his current theory was that Gabriel's candy addiction was contagious, and he was slowly getting it as a side effect of kissing Gabe for too long), but all he knew was that he couldn't satisfy the urge to eat sweet things, like candy. And since he knew Gabriel would NEVER let him live it down if he ate candy, especially after all the times Sam had ranted to him about the perks of eating healthy and flaunted salads in his face, Sam couldn't risk letting Gabe find out about the new candy craving.

So, naturally, he did the only thing he could think of.

Sam would wait until Gabriel fell asleep, a difficult enough task since Gabe was a light sleeper, and then he would sneak out into the kitchen and raid Gabriel's stash. He never ate too much- he didn't want to get the acne and weight that went along with the candy, nor did he want Gabe to notice a large amount of candy missing, so he just took a little bit from various packages that were already opened. 

It seemed like the perfect plan, until a few weeks later. Sam's sugar craving hadn't gone away, and one day he found Gabriel half buried in the candy cabinet.

"....What are you doing?" He asked.

"Looking for candy!" Gabriel called.

"Yeah, but why are you all the way in the back of the cabinet? That thing should be full to max capacity." Gabriel struggled out of the cabinet and sat on the floor, frowning.

"But it's not," Gabe offered. "And that's the problem. Look." Sam glanced in the cabinet and paused. Normally it was so full that you couldn't open the door without a bag of something falling out, but now it was only half full. You could actually see the top of the cabinet, for the first time in years.

Sam frowned. It was difficult to note exactly how much candy he was taking when it was dark in the night, but now he saw how much he'd actually emptied the cabinet, and that wasn't good. He hadn't meant to take that much... He'd have to cut back on the candy stealing.

"Is it possible you just ate it all without noticing?" He asked casually. Gabriel narrowed his eyes at the cabinet.

"No- I replace what I take. The day this cabinet is empty is the day I've failed." He examined the cabinet one more time. "Maybe we have a candy eating rat."

"God, I hope not." Sam made a face. Honestly, he wouldn't be surprised if they found a mouse or two in the house thanks to Gabe's candy, but he really hoped that wasn't the case.

"Please don't use my father's name like that."

"Your father's not G-"

"Ssshhhh, nobody has to know that," Gabriel whispered. "I'm gonna go buy more candy."

"You have a cabinet full!"

"NO, I have a cabinet HALF full. Which means there's room for more!" Gabe got up and skipped away.




The next night, Sam woke up at 1, itching, as usual, for more candy. He glanced on the other side of the bed, where the bunched up blankets assured him that Gabriel was sound asleep. So he quietly got up and headed for the kitchen.

But the second he opened the candy cabinet and reached for a bag of skittles, a flashlight clicked on, shining directly in his face.

"AHA!!!" Sam stumbled back on the floor, dropping the bag and sending Skittles flying across the floor. He looked up, only to see Gabriel standing over him, flashlight still shining in his face.

"SAMSQUATCH!" Gabriel declared, mildly offended. "I suspected a lot of people of being low enough to steal my candy behind my back, namely the neighbor's raccoon, but I NEVER suspected YOU!" He sighed and shook his head. "It really is always the one you least suspect."

"I can explain," Sam insisted. 

"Oh I'm sure you can, Mr. Lawyer Mc-Covers-His-Ass-Pants."


"Tell me this much. Were you at least EATING the candy rather than just throwing it in the trash?" Sam raised an eyebrow.

"Of course I was eating the candy."

"Wonderful." The flashlight clicked off and Gabriel dropped to the floor, eating the skittles that had scattered around. "I didn't want to have to waste precious hours mourning my lost gummi bears." Sam stared at him.

"So you're NOT mad that I've been eating your candy?"

"Mad?" Gabriel echoed. "No. Irritated that you felt the need to sneak out in the middle of the night to eat it and then never told me? Yes. But if candy is being used for it's delicious purpose, then I'm happy." He paused, thinking for a moment. "I thought I tasted more sugar on your lips recently." Sam's face went red.

"It's just a weird craving, I swear. I don't normally like candy at all, and now I can't seem to get enough of it." Gabriel shrugged and handed him the bag of Skittles, snacking on the rest of the floor ones.

"Maybe it's a pregnancy craving." Sam rolled his eyes.

"Ha ha."


The next night, Sam woke up to Gabriel poking at him and holding a box with a grin.

"What are you doing?" He asked as Gabe opened the box.

"I've always wanted to try this with you, but since you didn't like candy, I thought you'd never want to do it, but since you have a candy craving, now we can!" Gabriel's grin widened. "Wanna play the Pocky game with me?" Sam smirked.


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