Whatcha Reading?

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"Gabe! I'm home!" Sam loudly announced to the house. But silence was the only thing that greeted him. Frowning, the moose began a search for his boyfriend, which, after looking in every room in the house, led him finally to the hall closet.

He opened the door, and Gabriel instantly slammed his laptop shut, looking up at Sam, a tissue jammed up his nose.

".....Hey...." He offered awkwardly. Sam studied him for a moment, a deadpan expression on his face.

"....You're reading gay porn, aren't you?" He asked. Gabriel blinked.

"No," He scoffed, taking the tissue out of his nose and crumpling it up. "....I'm reading beautiful Drarry gay porn. Wanna join me?" Sam stared at him for a moment.

"Sure, move over." 

And that was how the moose and his archangel found their natural habitat- a closet, and a steady diet of drarry smut. 

Sabriel InsanityWhere stories live. Discover now