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Gabriel Novak had done a lot of stupid things in his life, and we're talking enough stupid things that you can't blame them all on Lucifer being your brother. No, Gabe was a certain kind of idiot. He had been shocked by an electrical outlet no less than five times, and was nearly hit by a car at least seven times.

But the stupidest thing he'd ever done, Gabriel thought, was to get a crush on his tutor.



Because there is no way-NO WAY that high school senior Gabriel Richard Novak is going to be caught dead dating a freshman like Sam Winchester. It might as well be illegal. ESPECIALLY freshman Sam Winchester, since the boy's older brother was in Gabe's grade, and he knew for a fact that Dean Winchester could and would beat the shit out of him.

It doesn't matter that Sam is mature and smart enough to be a tutor for a stupid senior- that doesn't change his age or the fact that Gabriel may be stupid, but he's not willingly-invoke-Dean-Winchester's-wrath stupid.

But Gabriel is completely fall-in-love-with-Sam-Winchester level stupid, so he's got a bit of a problem now. Because he can't get over it. Charlie, his best friend, has literally slapped him in an attempt to get him to snap out of it, and Gabe just can't do it.

There's just something about the way that Sam looks so excited to show him how a math problem works, or the way he smiles at the books he's always reading in the library (not that Gabriel's been secretly stalking him...) or the way he laughs at Gabe's stupid jokes or runs his fingers through his hair, that HAIR.

Yep, Gabriel's definitely stupid. Slam your head against the wall stupid.

But at least he knew he didn't have a chance with Sam. That kept him from going completely insane and asking the boy out. As far as he knew, according to his gossip spies that were strategically placed around the school, Sam was straight. Had even dated Jess Moore in 8th grade, til she moved to a farm upstate.

But then Charlie had made the mistake of telling Gabe that Sam had joined the GSA club, and had revealed that he was bi.

Then Gabriel had a chance.

After hearing the news, he dropped to the floor and didn't move for a solid three hours. The school janitor eventually had to sweep him into the nurse's office for further inspection. 

And so Gabriel decided to be stupid. S-T-U-P-I-D stupid.

He reread his entire book of cheesy pick up lines, looking for the best one to use on Sam. And when the boy yawned during their tutoring session, well, that was the perfect time for a trickster to strike.

"Yeah," He grinned as Sam yawned again. "Being pretty must be tiring." Sam tilted his head and raised an eyebrow, the epitome of a puppy dog look.

"Then you must be exhausted," He replied. Gabriel's face went red, instantly floored. Nobody-


-had ever responded to one of his pick up lines like that before. Or that smoothly. 

And at that moment, Gabriel's entire motives changed. He smirked at Sam.

Nope, he was no longer just stupid.

He was I'm-gonna-get-Sam-Winchester-to-marry-me stupid.

Sabriel InsanityWhere stories live. Discover now