Nerf or Nothing

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Gabriel hadn't realize quite what he had started when he had come home with a box full of his old Nerf guns.

He'd forgotten how much he had enjoyed the toys, and had naturally fallen in love with them all over again. 

But to Sam, who had been hit with a Nerf dart in every possible place, they were not as much fun. Until he grabbed a Nerf gun of his own, and the war had started.

Normal life had disappeared and the apocalypse had begun. Their house was a wreck. Tables were overturned in attempts for cover, pillows were used as shields and body armor, each of them trying to achieve dominance as the Nerf gun champion by forcing the other to surrender.

And it didn't just stay in the house, either.

Not when Sabriel was involved, of course.

But Gabriel being Gabriel, had probably taken things a bit far. But after Sam had taken notice of what time Gabe worked the drive through at his job and had spent an hour circling and ordering, only to shoot a Nerf dart in Gabriel's face every time, Gabriel thought it was time for revenge.

So he snuck into the courtroom while Sam was working a case. And the moment his boyfriend stood to make an opening statement, Gabriel jumped up, screamed "NERF OR NOTHING!" and proceeded to fire six shots at the moose's head before security dragged him away.

"WORTH IT!" Was his response to finding out he was banned from entering the courthouse.

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