Can I Marry Your Son?

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Who asks the other's father figure to marry their son?

Gabriel sat on an old chair, fiddling with his hands and avoiding eye contact with the man across from him. Bobby sat at his desk, staring at him for a while before eventually reaching for a bottle of alcohol, uncorking it with his teeth, and pouring a large glass.

"You wanna run that by me again?" He asked. Gabriel glanced up, terrified.

"I-" He cleared his throat. Fuck, he was normally so confident. Where was all the confidence??? Bobby was only one man, for crying out loud, why was this so difficult? "I wanted to ask your permission to ask Sam to marry me." Bobby look a long sip from his drink.

"And why would you want to do that?"

"Because tradition? I know Sam cares about you and values your opinion, so I think your approval would mean a great deal to him, sir-"

"I think there are very few times in his entire life Sam Winchester has done what I asked of him, and I think we both know that if you needed anyone's permission to marry Sam, it'd be Dean's, not mine. So why are you here, and not talking to him?" Gabriel made a face.

"Dean and I don't exactly....see eye to eye. On anything. And I know Sam cares about him a lot, but I also know that if I asked his opinion, he'd say no at best, and beat the fuck out of me at worst. But I know you matter to both of them, so if I have your approval, then it sort of vetos Dean's disapproval and makes it okay?"

"I think you underestimate the amount of crap Dean's willing to tolerate if it makes his brother happy."

"And I think you underestimate just how much he hates me." Bobby sighed.

"Tell you what- if you can give me a good enough reason for why you want to marry Sam in the first place, I'll hear you out." He took out another glass and filled it, sliding it toward the edge of the desk for Gabriel to take.

"You wanna know why I want to marry Sam?" Bobby emptied his glass and sat back.

"Yep. Every nitty gritty reason." Gabriel took a drink, for liquid courage if nothing else.

"Well for starters he's fucking smart."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"He's so smart, and not like in that 'I have a 6,000 IQ but don't look both ways before crossing the street' kinda smart-- he's got common sense AND intelligence, and that's a rare combination, and one I personally need in my life because I'm stupid."


"I'm so fucking stupid. I eat nothing but candy and do crazy, spontaneous stuff that even five year olds look at and go, 'maybe I shouldn't attempt this.' I have no impulse control, and Sam struggles to let loose. That's why we work so well together, we're like yin and yang. He keeps me under control, and I make sure he has a good time, and I know that doesn't seem like a great reason to marry someone, but to me it is. We need each other. I don't want him to wake up one day, all old and gray, and realize he's done nothing cool in his life, and I don't want to have my adventure cut short before thirty because I'm a dumbass. And now I feel like that sounds like a really bad codependency issue, but you've just gotta trust me on this."

"Go on."

"I love Sam. I really, really do. I'm not gonna lie and say I haven't dated around before him, but in all my experience, there's just nobody like him. He's just good to his core, even though he has a dark streak. He puts up with so much and still wants to help people; hell, he watches me break my arm on a ceiling fan and still cares enough to tell me he loves me that night. I love him for that, and I love him because he's a dork and a dweeb and he gets excited over old books and puppies and learning conjugations in new languages instead of just swear words and god, I could rant about him forever, but it's all just gonna boil down to the fact that I want to marry him. I want to marry him because he's always going to be the one person I want in my corner and because I love him and also because he's super fucking hot, but that's just the cherry on top at this point, and anyone who says I shouldn't be with him can go fuck themselves because I choose him, and he's chosen me for this long, and I want to see if he'll pick me for forever."

Bobby stared at him, and Gabriel killed the rest of his drink. 

"Would've settled for the fact that you're stupid," Bobby muttered. "Permission granted." Gabriel stared.


"Seriously, and if he says no, drag him in here so I can give him a piece of my mind." Bobby smirked. "I want a front row seat at the wedding."

"Done." Gabriel insisted, grinning. "Thank you. Seriously- you have no idea what this means-"

"Save me the gratitude and go buy him a damn ring. And one more thing,"


"You say Dean hates you."

"I know he does."

"If he hates you so much, why'd he let you date his brother in the first place?" Gabriel opened his mouth to reply, and then stopped. Bobby smirked and closed the bottle of alcohol. "Food for thought, idjit."

On the other hand.....

"I want to marry Gabriel," Sam said.

"Oh thank me," Chuck declared. "TAKE HIM, HE'S ALL YOURS, NO REFUNDS."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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