I Really Like the Questions Ones, Okay?

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-Who is the most affectionate?

It's a tie. In public, it's definitely Gabriel. Sam doesn't want to make anyone uncomfortable with PDA or something, so the most he'll do is hold hands with Gabe or something, but Gabriel is very very different. He is full blown overly obvious in love with Sam when they're in public and he wants everyone else to know it too. He'll hold his hand, wrap his arms around the man, kiss him, braid his hair, just about anything to make sure the whole world knows that Sam is his moose and nobody can touch him. He is the living version of the heart eyes emoji with Sam.

In private, though, Gabriel is lucky if Sam stops being overly affectionate. What can I say? They are sick in love with each other, and they show it often.

-What's the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?

Little things. The day Sam realized he was completely in love with Gabriel was conveniently the same day Gabe called him ridiculous for having a hairbrush and proceeded to mess up Sam's hair, and then freaked out when Sam ran his fingers through it and made the moose's mane look flawless again. Sam threw out all his hairbrushes, and his fingers have been his only comb since. Gabriel sees it as an improvement.

The day after Gabriel realized he loved Sam was also the day Sam figured it out. They were standing in a lunch line, and you got the choice between an apple or a cherry pastry. Being the sweet tooth Gabe was, Sam knew exactly which one Gabriel would pick and he commented on how Gabriel really needed to take better care of himself and eat something healthy for once. And rather than bickering with Sam and taking the dessert anyways like he always did, Gabe took the apple. And he actually ate it. If that's not love, then Sam's not sure what is.

-Big spoon/little spoon?

Gabriel is the little spoon. It's not even a question or a 'we switch a lot' situation- he is ALWAYS the little spoon. It's partially because he's usually the protective one, and Sam likes the idea of being the protective one when they're sleeping, and it's partially because Gabriel is literally teddy bear sized so he has to be. He complains about it a lot, but Sam just rolls his eyes because Gabriel loses anytime he suggests that they should switch. Gabe has no clue how to be a big spoon. 

-Most common argument?

Oof. As much as Sam and Gabriel love each other, they do argue a lot, only because they are both super thick and stubborn and know that they're right. Typically, their most common playful argument is whether Star Wars or Star Trek is better (that one will never end), and their most common serious argument is usually about the fights Gabriel gets in with Dean. Sam loves his boyfriend and his brother, and he wishes they could get along, but Gabe and Dean are similar enough that they clash horribly, and when they fight, things don't stay verbal for long. Gabriel is usually the one that starts it though, and that's what leads to the fights with Sam.

-Favorite non-sexual activity?

Water balloon fights. Snowball fights. Literally any type of fun fight where they can throw something that explodes at each other. It's the funniest thing in the world to them, and Sam is positive that they have spent thousands of dollars on water balloons over the years, and he doesn't regret a single cent. Snowball and water balloon fights with Gabriel are some of his favorite memories.

-What is their favorite feature of their partner's?

Gabriel's is by far Sam's hair, as if that was even a question. On their first date, the second question he asked Sam was if he could touch his hair. It's long and luxurious and soft and Gabriel could waste an entire day obsessing and running his fingers through it. Sam mentioned the idea of getting a haircut once, and Gabriel bawled like a baby. Sam's hair is precious to him, and he loves braiding it, styling it, tugging at it, and just watching. Watching Sam blow strands out of his face, tuck pieces of it behind his ear, watches as it bounces when Sam runs. And his bedhead? Well, that just murders Gabriel.

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