Christmas Dancing

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Christmas was always a chaotic time of year, and usually one where Sam's stress level skyrocketed, seeing as there were so many things that had to get done and then his reward was seeing his whole family.

His family. Who, with the exception of Dean, generally despised him and hated all of his life choices, especially the choices involving Gabriel.

Gabriel, who loved Christmas. 

Gabriel, who still acted like Santa was real and worked as the only happy elf in Santa's workshop during the holiday season. 

Gabe, who was currently fiddling with their speaker while Sam struggled to wrap stupid presents for people he didn't even like and kept one eye on the oven, making sure the Christmas cookies didn't burn. He didn't want to deal with Gabriel mourning cookies on top of everything else.

"SAMSQUATCH!" Gabe yelled from the other room. "What's your favorite Christmas song?"

"Uh," Sam sighed and stared down at the half wrapped gift before him. He couldn't even think of a Christmas song if he was being honest. Christmas to him just meant work and stress and giving gifts to people who didn't need or deserve them. It was pointless, and he didn't like the holiday.

But it was one of Gabriel's absolute favorites, so he had tried to be excited about it, because seeing Gabe happy made him happy too. Pretending to be in the Christmas mood when you weren't though, had ended up being a more difficult task than he had originally thought.

"I don't know," He called back to Gabriel. "Just put on whatever song you want."

"Nooooooo," Gabriel declared. "I've picked out every song so far. It's your turn!"

"I don't know- I don't have a favorite Christmas song!" There was a crash and then Gabriel appeared in the kitchen, staring at Sam like he'd said that he'd hidden candy in the house and refused to tell Gabe where.

"How do you NOT have a favorite Christmas song? EVERYONE has a favorite holiday song, even if it's a parody or the background music to Die Hard, I-" Gabriel stopped, taking in the poorly wrapped gifts, the dishes in the sink, the strain Sam was desperately trying to keep off his face. "...You don't like Christmas, do you?"

"WHAT!" Sam said, pretending to be shocked. "That's ridiculous! I love Christmas!" Gabriel gave him a deadpan look, and Sam caved. "Okay, you got me. I hate it. I hate that I have to buy presents for my relatives when they all hate me, I hate the constant peppiness and that people think that they can be an asshole all year just as long as they're nice around Christmas and I hate the way people scream at you when you say that you're not in a Christmas mood." He felt like a jerk for saying it, but Gabe had seen through his faking, so what was the point of holding back any longer? Gabriel studied him for a moment, and Sam was afraid to look at him, knowing he had probably just crushed all of his boyfriend's Christmas dreams.

"See that's why I keep suggesting that we get your relatives engraved shit for Christmas- I have the website for it and everything, if we order overnight delivery they might be able to get the shit to us by Christmas." Sam cracked a grin and looked up. Gabe was smirking at him, looking sweet and devious as always, his eyes scheming.

"And I'm sure you haven't ALWAYS hated Christmas, right?" Gabe went on.

"No," Sam shook his head. "When I was a kid, I loved it."

"Exactly. So tell me. What was little baby Sam's favorite Christmas song?" Sam's smile widened.

"Dean found this band that does Christmas rock music, because of course he would find that. I never really cared for most of it, but they did this one song that I liked. It was called Music box blues."

"Well in that case," Gabriel grinned and went running over to speaker. 

"You don't have to play i-" Sam started. 

"TOO LATE!" The song started up, and Gabriel wandered back, waving Sam over to the living room. 

"What are you doing?" He questioned, knowing Gabe always had some ulterior motive.

"Dance with me," Gabriel replied, and Sam grinned.

The music got louder as Sam wrapped an arm around his boyfriend and Gabe put a hand on his shoulder. They just swayed at first, but then they got into it more.

And then they were spinning around the room, laughing and smiling, twisting and dipping with the music.

"Do you still hate Christmas?" Gabriel asked as the song reached its end.

"Not when it's Christmas with you." Sam grinned.

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