Chapter 1

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[ "Come on lefty! We gotta go they found us!" I said while running from the cops only to find my 14 year old sister lagging behind me. We dipped and dodged in and out the crowd of ppl walking down the street. I busted a left and ran into an alley way jumping a fence. Lefty soon caught up and jumped the fence but her jacket got caught. "Nicole help me! Please!" She screamed trying to get down.]

*Summer of 1987*

I woke up and turned off my alarm clock that was blaring it's annoying sound. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes, then I grabbed my pillow to wake up Lefty, my 13 year old sister. "Wake up doofus!" I say as I hit her with my pillow. She damn near fell out the bed from being startled and she looked up at me with her big doe eyes. "Man what was that for?? I'll tell mom you hit me again!" She whined and got up out of the bed to get ready for school. I shook my head and then got up also getting ready for school. I put on some Kid N Play to get myself hyped for the last day of school.
As soon as I was ready I ran downstairs to see my mother at the kitchen table drinking coffee and watching the news. I snuck up on her and hugged her from behind. "Surprise!!" I say smiling and laughing. She laughs softly and give me a hug. "Morning Nic, ready for your last day of school??" She asks me while smiling at me. I nod my head and smile back at her. Lefty runs downstairs while sorta stumbling, she sits down on the last stair to tie her shoe. She then gave mom a hug and we both left for school. We both walked to school on our own and said our goodbyes.

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