Chapter 4

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I walked over to the phone grabbing it off the hook putting it up to my ear.

"Yo, Nicole where the fuck are you man???" Ti says with her aggressive voice.

"Look, I'm coming and plus...I gotta bring my lil sis with me. I got her under control though don't worry." I say with a slight smirk on my face.

"Ight, just don't be late." Ti said and hung up the phone on her side.

I put the phone back onto the hook and walked over to lefty who's watching cartoons on the couch. I grabbed my bag to check and see if my aunt was outside.

"Lefty, you coming with me tonight." I tell her and turn the tv off, kneeling down in front of her grabbing her hands into mine looking up at her.

"with you?? I guess that's alright, but where are we going??" She asks while looking at me and tilting her head.

"None of that matters but we got to be quick, so that means no whining when we run and try to keep up the pace." I say standing up and helps her stand up.

She nods her head stretching, I go up to my room looking under my bed grabbing my katana again placing it into my holder going over to my closet grabbing a shoe box getting my black gloves putting them on and my gun loading the magnum and putting it in cocking it placing it in the back of my pants. I cover it with my oversized hoodie looking into the mirror and placing a black mark underneath of my lefteye. I walked down the stairs to Lefty and gives her a signal telling her to come on. We walked out the back door and I take my phone out calling Ti again while walking down the street. She pulls up to us on the corner in her black dodge charger, she rolls the window down and whistle which means to get or get left. I got in the passenger side and Lefty got into the back. We drove off into the night with music blasting from the radio in the car.

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