Chapter 12

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As the movie went on I kept catching quick glances at Rhonda licking my lips. A part of me kept telling me to make a move another part told me no, but guess which one won. I leaned over turning Rhonda's face towards mine lifting her chin up with my index finger tilting my head to the side and crashing my lips into her kissing her slow and passionately. I pulled away to look into her eyes as she was blushing. "My bad, babygirl. I got caught up." I said and began biting my bottom lip softly looking into her eyes. "It's okay, Nicole." She said laughing some and then sitting back in her seat to watch the rest of the movie. I sat back to look at the movie grabbing her hand holding it in mine while we watched. 

When the movie was over we left, on the walk back home I told her a little about my life and she told me some of hers. Rhonda and I had alot in common when it came to our personal lives. I stopped at the front gate with her, we looked into each others eyes. "Well, I guess this is goodbye. I had a great night, Nicole." She said while leaning up against the gate looking into my eyes biting her lip some. "Babygirl, you'll see me around." I said while leaning in kissing her lips again softly and pulling away. "Goodnight Nicole." She said while walking off into the house, before she went in I yelled for her to read the note. She simply nodded and closed the front door, I began to make my way back to my house before Ti's black camero stopped infront of me. She rolled the window down and nodded for me to get in. 

I got into the passenger side of the car and looked over at Ti. "wassup, what's wrong?" I asked her while leaning back in my seat once she sped off. By the looks of it we're heading in the direction of Jamal's crib. Fuck, I have to tell Lefty I'm okay...I grabbed my phone out my pocket calling Lefty checking on her and telling her that I'll be home in a few. "Yo Jamal know who snitched all we gotta do is handle it, he's gonna hook us up with a few guns and shit. We just gotta return them with zero evidence we even touched them." Ti said as she drove with one hand on the steering wheel putting the other on her chin. I simply nodded and grabbed my black gloves out my bag putting them on then my black hoodie with shades. She parallel parked between two cars and we hopped out walking into Jamal's place. He was sitting on the couch drinking a 40 smoking a blunt while the tv was blaring. "So, I see you guys finally decided to show up." He said while looking up at us glaring. 

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