Chapter 14

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I sat in the waiting room with Jamal keeping my head into my hands praying softly. Ti and I been through a whole lot ever since grade school, she the one who taught me the ways of the game and how it's done. Jamal was bouncing his leg up and down as he was becoming anxious. I got up out my seat pacing back and forth, as another stretcher was being rushed in. It looked like a couple got into a really bad accident. The nurse who was with tionne came out to us. "Family of miss Watkins?" She asked looking at us. We quickly turned our attention to her, "yeah that's us." I responded looking at the nurse. "Well, she's okay just lost alot of blood. But she probably have trouble walking for a bit since it partially paralyzed her. All she needs is physical therapy." She replied to us and placed her hand gently on my shoulder giving me a slight smile. "Thanks doc." I say returning the smile and made my way to Tionne's room with Jamal following behind.

"Yo Ti." I say entering her room with Jamal coming in behind closing the door. "Sup Nic, you good?" Ti asked sitting up at bit while wincing in pain looking over at me. I nodded my head yes helping tionne out. Jamal sat in the chair next to the bed putting his head in his hands while he mumbles "I'm gonna kill them muthfackas" to his self and getting up storming out the room. "Wassup with him?" Ti asked while glancing over at me tilting her head. I shrugged my shoulders and checked my watch, standing up to my feet telling Tionne bye exiting the room.

As I walked down the hall I saw my twin sister lefty sitting by a room. I kneeled down touching her shoulder gently causing her to flinch awake. "Omg nicole you scared me..." she said to me in a soft voice looking down at the floor. "What's going on? Is auntie okay?" I start questioning her worried. Lefty nodded her head and then continue looking down at her shoes wiping her face sniffling. "It's mom and dad...they were in a terrible accident. They're...they're dead Nicole." She told me breaking down in tears leaping into my arms hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her hugging back, rubbing her back holding my tears back sniffling.

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