Chapter 5

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As Ti drove down the road, I opened the arm rest grabbing out a blunt and a lighter. I lit the blunt putting it between my lips and taking a long draw from it. I passed it to Ti and start coughing a little, sitting back in the seat.

"Ight, so where we goin first?" I asked her and taking the blunt back.

"Shiiid, we should hit up the club first then do what we gotta do." She said while driving one handed and leaning back in her seat.

I nodded my head, listening to the radio as return of the mack came on. I turned around in my seat to check on Lefty who was knocked out in the back, I know I don't like doing this but I have to for money and food for the house. I took the blunt out from between my lips blowing out the smoking and spotting a gas station which Ti pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. She turned the car off and we got out walking inside. I walked to the back grabbing a forty and some snacks, Ti grabbed the same and we both paid for our stuff. We walked out of the store as we heard someone holler at us, turning around we saw that dirty nigga Raheem from the corner. We shook our heads and kept walking to the car getting inside and Ti started it up. She continued to drive the club while chugging her forty down, I took casual swigs of mine and ended up smoking the rest of the blunt since Ti let me have it. As soon as we pulled up to the club we heard the bass bumping from outside. I turn around to check on lefty and look at Ti giving her look of concern.

"Bring her inside and keep her close, ight?" She said while getting out the car and leaning on the door.

I get out and close my door, opening the door to Lefty's side which startled her awake. I leaned in and undid her seatbelt for her, getting her out. She covered her nose and looked up at me, I guess she could smell the weed on me as I was leaning down. She hates it when I smoke or even drink, I still to this moment don't know why I brought her along with me. We all walked to the entrance of the club getting in and I walked over to the bar as I saw this one shorty with long black hair and had a lean shape, she was kind of short too but she resembled a goddess. I made my way over to where she was sitting down at the bar.

"You come here often?" She asked me looking over at my direction.

"Yeah, I do. You?" I asked her looking at her face getting the full glimpse of it, she was so beautiful with these brown eyes that will pierce your soul and this smile that lit up the room.

"Not often, what's your name?" She asked me while checking my fit.

"Nicole." I say and then order a drink for the both of us.

We made casual small talk for the time I was there, checking the time on my watch I glanced over at Tionne giving her a small nod. She nodded back, grabbing Lefty as they exited the club. I slipped Rhonda my number and get up placing some money down, exiting the club with Tionne and Lefty. We all walked over to the car getting in and drove off to the next stop.

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