Chapter 19

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Months have passed since the death of my sister, I still haven't fully recovered I dropped out the gang and left that life behind for a better one with my son named Tyrell and my wife rhonda. The group is going great just had a few minor hiccups such as money being missing and stolen from us. Ti is now married to Jamal which you would've never guessed it, they have a daughter on the way soon. I've been back and forth between entertainer, mother, wife, and business owner. Oh yeah I have my own record company called Eyenetics Records. I have a couple of new things happening for me and the rest will be history. The year is now 1993, and I, Nicole Lopes has changed for the better no longer will I live the life of crime nor will I let my son get into that life. But that doesn't just erase the bad shit I've done I sometimes have dreams about it and I will forever keep Lefty in my memory of what a great person she was about to be. Is this the end? Yeah it maybe, but here's some advice for everyone...keep going no matter how tough time gets.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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