Chapter 18

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•Warning: this chapter may
Cause server sadness.•
"Yo...tionne calm down and breathe...wait what?!...I'm coming to the hospital right now bro..." I hung up the phone jumping out of bed throwing on some grey sweats and a hoodie. Grabbing my keys I rushed downstairs out the front door closing it back and locking it. I ran to my black Dodge Charger opening the door getting in slamming the door back, I began to fumble with the keys sticking it into ignition starting up the car. Making sure there were no cars coming i sped out the driveway backing into the street quickly changing gears racing through the street. You maybe wondering why I'm speeding like a bat out of hell? To tell you the hardcore truth, lefty has been raped and shot, I have no clue who would do something like that to her. If it wasn't for me getting involved with that quick money shit then it wouldn't have gone down like this. Arriving at the hospital i parked the car hopping out and running inside the Emergency room entrance walking up to the front desk. "I need to visit Faith Lopes please?" I said to the woman at the front desk, she put in the information and told me the room. I took off running down the hall to the room and saw tionne standing outside crying pacing back and forth. Tionne rarely cries but I know something ain't right, I rushed into the room as soon as I saw the doctors covering Lefty's body. " please wake up!!" I began to scream and cry hysterically, making a run for the bed as the doctors grabbed me holding me back. Tionne rushed into the room and picked me up carrying me off. I don't remember what happened but apparently I couldn't emotionally handle it I accused one of the doctors for killing her. Tionne took me home leaving my car at the hospital over the night. I couldn't function, my twin sister is gone...bro she's gone...I can't believe this shit. At Tionne's house i sat on the couch sipping a 40 and ended up crying myself to sleep that night with the thought of it only being me and ti.

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