Ch. 1 "Why Must it Come to This?" - The Elevator Ride

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One by one, we all gather around the red door.

Anabella: I can't wait for this to be over with.

Monokuma: And miss the exciting trial? I wouldn't miss it for the world!

Monokuma pops out of nowhere.

Nia: Oh, it's just you.

Monokuma: Of course, it's me! Your all's favorite monochrome bear!

Akihiko: Sure, our "favorite".

He said while doing air quotes.

Monokuma: How rude!

There was a moment of silence.

Monokuma: Anyways, before we can even continue to the trial, a certain someone might want to change their clothes.

Everyone turned towards me as I forgot to realize I'm still in my PJs.

Monokuma: You know just in case you meet your end. I don't want it to be in your pajamas.

Ari: Fine.

I went to my designated dorm room, and I changed to my proper outfit. After I finished that, I returned to the group.

Yuki: Welcome back, Miss culprit.

Hisato: For the last time, Ari is not the culprit!

Monokuma: Hold on, everyone! Leave the debating for the trial room!

Yuuto: Not that we will have to do any debating.

Monokuma: Wuzzat?

Shun: He means we have an idea who the culprit is.

Monokuma: Well, this will be a boring trial.

Fioren: Speaking of the trial, where will this trial take place?

Monokuma: In the trial room, of course!

Yorua: W-where is that?

Monokuma: Well, I'll take you all there now!

The red doors suddenly open to a room seeming like an elevator.

Ayano: Whoa.

Monokuma: I welcome you fifteen to the elevator, which will take you to the trial room.

Mikio: I'm assuming you will join us for the elevator ride.

Monokuma: No, because I have advanced enough technology that I don't even need an elevator for transportation. However, don't keep me waiting, I'm very impatient.

Monokuma disappears.

Kogo: So what now?

Teshi: We don't have much to do.

Ayano: C'mon guys, let's get through this together.

After saying that, Ayano walked into the elevator, followed by everyone else. Everyone except Hisato and Ayano made a note to stay away from me. Fioren did pass me at least.

Fioren: I'm really sorry, Ari. I know you're innocent. Best of luck!

Ari: Thanks, Fioren.

After everyone got settled, the elevator started to move downward.

Hisato: Ari, I know you can do it!

Ari: Do what?

Hisato: Defend yourself in court.

Ari: Why?

Hisato: I can sense your talent is more than just hair styling.

Ari: What is that supposed to mean?

Hisato: Of course, you are a talented hair stylist. However, everyone has more skills than just their ultimate prowess.

Ayano: Hisato's right, Ari. You have more to you than just hair styling skills.

Ari: I hope you two are right.

Hisato: I know we are.

Ayano: And I know we will prove you innocent.

The elevator stops.

Hisato: Ari, just believe in yourself.

The elevator doors open to the trial room.

I look Hisato and Ayano with worry. In return, all they give me are looks of confidence. If only they could give me some of their confidence. Another thing I wish I could do was be prepared for whatever is about to happen.

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