Ch. 4 "One Lie Could Cost Everything" - Daily Life Part 2

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The group walked up the three flights and separated to look at their individual labs. I guess I will be on my own for this search. Left or right? I guess right since it's the "right" choice. Get it? Uhh... never mind. I walked down the hallway. As I turned around the corner, the first door on the left was to the girls' restroom. Considering it's the same old bathroom, I decided not to look into it. I continued down the hallway and noticed on the left a door with a sign saying "Nia's Lab" above it. I entered her lab and found her inside.

Nia: H-hey, there.

Ari: Morning, Nia.

It seems like she's had a rough week after the death of Fioren. I hope she is doing better. At least she had Yuki by her side. When I had lost Daniella, I had Hisato with me to help defend my innocence.

Nia: Do you like the space?

I looked around I noticed a small stall used as a puppet theater. However, it had an amazing background and gorgeous curtains. In the room, small stools for an audience are placed. On the walls, multiples upon multiples of puppet in perfect condition and great detail.

Ari: It's amazing! Such wonderful detail of the puppets and backdrops.

Nia: Thanks.

I was taken back. Nia is usually blunt and stubborn, but now she is speaking more politely. Maybe she really did learn from Fioren. Or maybe Yuki has rubbed off on her.

Ari: May I ask something?

Nia: Sure.

Ari: How are you doing?

Nia: Umm... not great, but I'm doing my best for her.

Ari: Remember something, Nia. Fioren's death is not your fault, and you're not alone in this killing game. You have eight good people surrounding you.

Nia began to tear up.

Nia: T-thanks.

I left Nia's lab and walked across the hallway to a door having a sign above it labeled "Yorua's Lab". I entered and saw the Ultimate Clown looking around her individual room until she noticed me.

Yorua: Good morning, Ari!

Ari: Hey, Yorua!

I noticed the balloon animals decorated on the walls. Around the room, I could see different clown tricks like the fake flowers that sprayed water and the pies that get shoved in the assistant's face.

Yorua: Don't mind the clown wig. It's fake obviously.

Ari: I could tell.

We shared a laugh. I sometimes forget that Yorua is the Ultimate Clown.

Ari: I'm curious about something...

Yorua: What is it?

Ari: I'm super duper sorry if this offends you, but I sometimes forget about your ultimate, considering your personality. Not saying that is a bad thing!

Yorua: Don't worry I understand. In a way I feel like I have two personalities, one is my stage persona and the other is my more timid side.

Ari: Don't get me wrong! I'm not saying you have to hit with a pie to the face, but you shouldn't be afraid to show the other side of you to your friends.

Yorua: I'll take note of that. Thanks, Ari.

Ari: See you later.

Yorua: Bye, Ari!

I left the Ultimate Clown's Lab and walked towards the room next door that was labeled "Ari's Lab". My lab... I wonder what will be inside, guess I'll have to find out for myself. Inside, I found my lab to practically be a miniature hair salon. There was a place to cut hair and a place that could be used to wash hair. There was even a sitting area. I love it! It kind of reminds me of the first motive video with my family. My brother said for me to give him a hair cut. I miss them so much. However, I can't let that affect me. I have to use them as motivation to keep going.  After looking around, I exited my lab. It's going to be hard from now on, but I'm going to have to keep the hope for everyone, including myself.

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