Ch. 4 "One Lie Could Cost Everything" - Daily Life Part 4

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I went to the next set of hallways and turned right. I entered the first door on the left, which was labeled "Kogo's Lab". Inside, the room was decorated with a red carpet with cameras, and on a side photo shoot with a simple background. The

Ari: This room is fitting for the Ultimate Model, huh?

Kogo: Yeah, it reminds me of my life outside of this game.

Ari: Yeah. It's a shame we can't be out there, but let's make the most of it.

Kogo: Agreed. I'm more than happy to have this lab.

I didn't realize until then that there were a bunch of outfits hanged up on the wall. They were amazing outfits, and even included all of the killing game participants' outfits.

Ari: Uhhh... Kogo, why do you have all of our outfits in your room?

Kogo: I'm not sure. Monokuma must have put them up in here for some reason.

Ari: That's odd. I wonder why he would do that.

Kogo: Trust me. I wouldn't do anything weird with them.

Ari: I know you wouldn't, Kogo. I trust you along with everyone else.

Kogo: I trust you, too. Just wanted to clarify for you.

Ari: I would love to stick around and chat, but I have to go look around the rest of the floor.

Kogo: Sounds good. Stop by whenever you want. I will be for you and everyone else.

Ari: Thanks. I'll remember that.

I left the model's lab and headed towards the room at the end of the hall. On a sign, the room was labeled "Visitor's Bedroom". I wonder to myself, "Who would even want to stay in a place like this?" I entered the room full of curiosity. The room was decorated in a simple manner. There were a few beds with a nightstand by each of them. I knew this place was unlike average schools, but why is there a guest bedroom? I really am confused by the logic of this school. There's a movie theatre, a pool, a spa, and now a guest bedroom! If this were an actual high school, I would love it. However, I am trapped in a killing game and have witnessed three murders, three executions, and one punishment. There are nine of us remaining, but I don't know how many will truly escape. Stop it, Ari! I can't allow myself to give up. My friends' deaths won't be in vain. I will continue to fight for them. I left the bedroom with the memory of why I should continue. I entered the last room in the hallway and found myself in Ayano's new lab. In Ayano's lab, there has a huge dance floor with a huge DJ booth.

Ayano: I know, it would be a great place to have a party or some sort of gathering.

Ari: Yeah, I was just thinking that.

Ayano: I really wish he could be here to enjoy it.

Ari: Who?

Ayano: Shun.

Ari: Oh.

Ayano: Oh?

Ari: I never really realized that Shun and you got along so well. Not saying you two were enemies, but I never saw you two talking alone.

Ayano: Yeah, we talked every night before Nighttime. During that time, I really got to see a side of Shun not everyone got to see. Most people just thought of him as some air headed ice skater, but deep down Shun was a caring, sweet person.

Ari: No wonder you two got along. You two were very much similar.

Ayano: No one else would think someone like a DJ and an ice skater would get along, but the two of us did. Even when Shun was planning the game event, he had a good motive of trying to get us together as a group. I tried to do the same, but you know how that went. I was betrayed by Yuuto.

Ari: You both had the same idea and goal, yet both times someone horrible got in the way.

Ayano: Yeah, you and him were the two that helped me realize Anabella's death wasn't my fault.

Ari: It truly wasn't. Yuuto was responsible for his actions, not you.

Ayano: Thanks, Ari. I learned something from Shun, and now I can use what I learned to help Nia and others who lose someone dear to them.

Ari: Yeah, when we all escape, that trait will help lots of people.

Ayano: I want Shun's caring nature and kindness to be continued.

Ari: That's an amazing way to look at it, Ayano.

Ayano: I try my best to look at things positively.

Ari: I may need to learn a thing or two from you.

Ayano: Class will always be ready to begin when you need it.

Ari: Thanks, Miss Igarashi.

The two of us shared a laugh as I left the Ultimate DJ to her lab. I wonder what else I'm going to find on this floor. There's only three rooms left and only one way to find out what is inside them.

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