Ch. 3 "Greed is a Gateway to Hell" - Motives

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As I was in my dorm room, I heard something over the speakers.

Monokuma: Hello my students! It's time for you all to receive something special from me. Please make your way to the gymnasium. Pronto!

Another one of Monokuma's tricks, I wonder what he's planning for us this time. Hopefully, no one will succumb to his ways. I guess all I can do is hope. Hope for the future.

I left my dorm room and began to walk down towards the gym. This where I ran into a certain gardener by the stairs.

Kazutaka: Hey, Ari.

Ari: Good day, Kazutaka.

Kazutaka: You heard the announcement too, huh?

Ari: Yeah, what do you think he has planned for us?

Kazutaka: I'm not sure. It just reminds me that we lost so many people compared to the start of this mess.

We have already lost a quarter of the Ultimates we started with. I can see that Kazutaka is beginning to grow anxious about this killing game.

Ari: Yeah, but we have to remember that we are persevering for them.

Kazutaka: I guess so...

Ari: Care to join me for a little walk?

Kazutaka: Sure.

We made a little small talk on our way to the gymnasium.

Monokuma: Miss Ari, kind enough for you to join this time around. Lucky enough for you, the morning announcement was only to reveal the third floor. Don't do it again, or else it will lead to punishment.

Hisato: I'll make sure that doesn't happen.

Hisato really has my back. I'm happy to have him on my side.

Mikio: What did you bring us here for?

Monokuma: Cutting right to the chase, are we?

Mikio: I would just like to hurry this up. I don't like wasting my time on this.

Monokuma: Alright then. I brought you all here to introduce the motive!

Kogo: Here we go again.

Ayano: Isn't it a little early for the motive?

Monokuma: This is my game, and I will host it how I choose.

Ayano: Ok, then.

Nia: What's the motive then?

Monokuma: Well if you would let me finish.

Fioren: Don't disrespect Nia.

Monokuma: Stop interrupting me!

Yuki: Fine. Continue.

Monokuma: The motive is ten million dollars.

Akihiko: Are you kidding?

Nia: Prove it.

Monokuma: Whatever... here is your possible ten million dollars!

The money falls from what seems like the sky.

Yorua: W-woah.

Ari: Like someone would kill for money.

Monokuma: Have you seen criminal shows? That's most of their motives!

Shun: From my binging experience, I can confirm that.

Kazutaka: Someone is inevitably going to do it. It's going to be cycle! This game will never end! We are all going to die here!

Ari: Kazutaka, don't say that! We are stronger now, as a group and as friends.

Monokuma: I see doubt and despair in your eyes. Maybe even a few planning their homicide?

Fioren: Just leave, Monokuma.

Monokuma: As you wish, I'll let you all to your murder. Tata!

Shun: Guys, I know you want to distrust everyone here, but it's like Ari says. We are stronger now and to prove that, I want everyone to gather at the rec room tomorrow evening. I want everyone to attend, and no buts!

Everyone nodded their heads and left the room separately. I returned to my dormitory I guess I still have some free time before nighttime.

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