Ch. 3 "Greed is a Gateway to Hell" - Body Discovery

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It was the morning after the game night happened. I enjoyed the night with my friends, or most of my friends. I am praying to Atua that everyone is warming to each other. It's like Nia said, we need to stop this killing game. If we can work together, we could prevent anymore murders from occurring. Although we have lost a third of the group, no more will have to die because of this killing game. We will work together to escape this game, then, the eleven of us will work together to stop anyone else from experiencing this. That is my hope.

I walked out into the halls and saw the Ultimate DJ, leaving her room also.

Ari: Hey, Ayano.

Ayano: Morning, Ari.

Ari: How'd you sleep last night?

Ayano: Slept like a baby, what about you?

Ari: I personally slept like a log. Thank you for asking.

Ayano: What are you planning for today?

Ari: I was thinking many spending some free time with everyone. Specifically, Nia. I feel bad for everything that's happened to her.

Ayano: If anyone knows how to comfort her, it's you, Ari.

Ari: What makes you say that?

Ayano: You've gone through some trials during this experience and still led us to solving cases and to our new hope.

Yorua: C-couldn't have said it b-better myself.

The Ultimate Clown came out of her room to see us talking in the middle of the hallway.

Ari: Welcome to the new day!

Ayano: Glad to start it out with you!

Yorua: T-thanks, you t-two. It's nice to s-see you guys too.

Nia slowly walks out of her room.

Ayano: Rise and shine, Nia! Today's a new day.

Nia didn't really react what anybody had to say. Nia is taking this terribly, but I can't blame her. She lost her best friend in this game who was the only one she could trust. Also, people take their own process to fully accept and move on from something. I'll just respect her and make sure that she survives for Fioren.

Ari: I'm surprised the boys haven't come gotten us yet. I feel like they would at least come talk to us.

Ayano: That shocks me too. I feel like Mikio or Kogo should have been here to come get to Yorua, or Hisato for Ari, or Yuki for Nia.

Yorua: I'm not sure—

Before Yorua could finish her sentence, we heard three dings then a certain voice from the speakers above.

Monokuma: A body has been discovered! After a short number of time, the class trial will begin to decide who the culprit is. Good luck investigating!

No it can't be....

Nia: Oh god....

We went towards the boys' dorm rooms.

Ari: Kazutaka.... who is it?

Kazutaka: I'm not sure...

Ayano: What do you mean?

Kazutaka: Look for yourself...

Mikio and Kogo were by the closest door to us. What we saw....

was the charred body of one of our friends

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was the charred body of one of our friends. One of us did this to our friend, but who did this? And... who is this?

Monokuma: You're probably all wondering, "Who is this?"

Monokuma said as he appeared from thin air.

Monokuma: Well, I have one suggestion to start you investigation. Check your Monokuma File to find out who the victim is.

Everyone else turned on their E-handbook and selected the Monokuma File.

Ayano: Oh my god...

Ari: Who is it?

Mikio: I should've known.

Kogo: Why him?

Ari: Who is it?

Yorua: Ari.... I'm sorry.

Ari: Just tell me who it is.

Kazutaka: It's.... Shun.

Ari: What?

Who did this? To him of all people. All Shun wanted to do was bring us together as a group. Someone still was heartless enough to murder him. The killer must be soulless to kill Shun, but to burn him alive. Shun, why did you have to go? Why does anyone have to go?

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