Ch. 0 "Welcome to Ultimate Despair Academy" - Rules

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Monokuma: Now then let's get start with the rules. These will be your E-handbooks.

Monokuma passes out our "E-handbooks", which look like simple tablets.

Monokuma: Inside it will tell you the rules. It will give you directions to where you need to go and a map if you get lost. It will also tell you, your motives.

Daniella: M-motives?

Monokuma: Motives to kill, sweetheart.

Anabella: No need to remind us.

Monokuma: Now let's begin introducing the rules.
Number 1 - All students must live the rest of their foreseeable lives in the UDA.
Number 2 - Once a murder has taken place here, all remaining classmates must participate in the class trial.

 Number 2 - Once a murder has taken place here, all remaining classmates must participate in the class trial

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Ayano: Class trials?

Monokuma: That's where and how you and your fellow classmates will decide who is the blackened or the guilty party.

Akihiko: You didn't need to clarify we all knew what you meant.

Monokuma: Hmph.
Number 3 - If the blackened is revealed during the class trial, only they will be punished.

Monokuma: Number 4 - If the true blackened isn't caught, all other students will be executed.
Number 5 - If the blackened is not unveiled, they'll graduate and return to the outside world.

Monokuma: Number 6 - The killing game will continue until 2 surviving students are left.

Teshi: Does that mean if only 2 people are alive you'll let us go?

Monokuma: Yep, but only because you have been filled with utter despair.
Number 7 - "Nighttime" will begin at 10 pm and end at 8 am. The gymnasium will be off-limits during this time period.
Number 8 - Violence towards Headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited.
Number 9 - Monokuma will never be the blackened.

Monokuma: Number 10 - Your E-handbooks are very important items so please don't damage them

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Monokuma: Number 10 - Your E-handbooks are very important items so please don't damage them.
Number 11 - The body discovery announcement will play only when three or more innocent classmates discover a body.

Monokuma: Number 12 - With these minimal restrictions, you're free to explore the campus at your freewill.
Number 13 - Students who violate any of these rules will be executed.
Number 14 - Monokuma may add new regulations to list anytime he chooses.
Everyone, got that?

Fioren: Uh...

Monokuma: Good! That's all the rules so I'm done. Buh-bye my students!

Monokuma disappeared into thin air, leaving us with numerous of questions.

This was only the start of my journey. One of high hopes and deep despairs. I was trying to process everything I was just told. Basically, kill or be killed.

~Prologue END~

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