Ch. 1 "Why Must it Come to This?" - Monokuma Theater

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Monokuma: The trial is about to hit its climax

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Monokuma: The trial is about to hit its climax. However, instead of continuing that, it is time for an intermission. No, this is not where you get snacks and drinks or take a bathroom break! This is time to tell another despairing story.

Monokuma: Once upon a time, a purple-haired woman is found in a similar room that you have seen before.

???: Knock, Knock ma'am! Mr. Despair want to send a message!

Ms. Hoshizora: What kind of message?

???: You'll see.

The voice slips a picture under the door.

Ms. Hoshizora: Huh? What is this?

Ms. Hoshizora moves over to the room by the door and picks it up the paper.

Ms. Hoshizora: What the... heck?

The picture shows Daniella's lifeless body surrounded by a pool of blood

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The picture shows Daniella's lifeless body surrounded by a pool of blood.

Ms. Hoshizora: This is fake, right? It has to be fake! There's no way this is real! It's got to be photoshopped, right?

Ms. Hoshizora fell to her knees.

Ms. Hoshizora: Why? Why Daniella of all people? It should've been me. It should've been me!

The scene fades to black and returns to Monokuma.

Monokuma: The end. Wouldn't you say that was despairing story? I would say so. Now you're probably wondering how that is relevant to the main story, and I will leave that question a mystery. However, I can promise you that the story has just begin for the characters alive. Speaking of those Ultimates, the second half of the trial is coming up. Will the protagonist of this story be able to save herself? Or will she be executed along with her friends? Find out real soon! By the way, this is moment you can get your snacks and drinks, but don't take too long, okay?

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