Ch. 3 "Greed is a Gateway to Hell" - Monokuma Theater

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Monokuma: I'm here to interrupt your regularly planned program to tell a tale about the great Yandere Sou's accomplice. Before I ruin the surprise, let us begin this interesting story. Like the others, we are introduced to a room that is identical to the others you've seen before.

???: Someone remind me why I am here already?

Guard: Shut up!

???: Just answer the question and I'll be quiet.

Guard: You are related to a participant in the killing game performed by the newest Ultimate Despair.

???: Despair? Isn't that just another word for bummed out?

Guard: You are such an ignorant child.

???: I'll have you know I have more intellect in my little pinky than you do in your whole body.

Guard: Don't make me break down this door! Master is not afraid of giving punishments, you know?

???: Are you going to give me a spanking?

Guard: You're sick.

???: Coming from a Despair follower?

Guard: I hate being stuck with Hope believers like you?

???: I don't care who wins in the battle actually. I only root for the side I see more benefit for supporting that side.

Guard: You sure you aren't some hope boy just masking your feelings?

???: Who cares? The hope side is extremely naive, and the despair side is stupidly reckless.

Guard: Speaking of reckless, I have something for you, Kouji.

Kouji: What is it? Could it possibly be a good meal? The food here is garbage!

Guard: It's not food, you spoiled brat!

Kouji: Then what could it possibly be if it was worth wasting my time?

Guard: Here you go.

Like the other tales, a photo is slipped under the door, showing a photo of Yuuto being executed.

Guard: So what about now, huh? Do you feel that despair? The fact your partner in crime is in the next life, and you're trapped here alone without any future to look forward to.

Kouji: How could this happen to him? He didn't deserve it. You monster!

Guard: Yes! Become filled with despair! Mwahahaha—

Kouji: That was just a lie!

Guard: What was that?

Kouji: Oh c'mon! I haven't seen this psychopath in years. Sure, he used to be a client of mine, but it was all business. I'm afraid you failed.

Guard: Are you kidding me?!? You are supposed to be sorrowful about this! You're supposed to join the despair team!

Kouji: Who could like a moron who was crazy enough to murder anyone for a crush? He was lucky to have me, or else that killer wouldn't have gotten away with some those crimes. If you really wanted to, you should have brought her into this.

Guard: That chick lost her marbles when this world converted to despair and was brutally murdered by one of the new recruits. Those morons!

Kouji: Weaklings, am I right? I guess if they can't handle themselves during these situations then they have no reason to live in the first place.

Guard: Speaking of having no reason to live, guess you will no longer serve a purpose to the organization.

Kouji: What organization? You and your two friends.

Guard: Nope, the organization who is planning your punishment right now.

Kouji: What kind of bull crap are you going on about?

Guard: Since you have a lack of response in despair, that makes the audience and future followers super bored. Leaving us no choice but to punish you.

Kouji: I'll have one more time; what is this "punishment"?

Guard: I'll answer. Your punishment is facing your death.

Kouji: What kind of nonsense is that?!?

Guard: Sorry! Next time, have a better reaction and a better personality.

Kouji: What kind of freaking nonsense is this bull-


Monokuma: I think that's a good time to end it for that chapter. Wouldn't you say so? Also, as a FYI, Kouji, Yuuto Yurei's murder accomplice, is currently enjoying his time with the devil as we speak. Oops, but what can I say? I'm sure he fits in there, just fine.

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