Ch. 5 "Surrounded by a Snake" - Daily Life Part 4

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I traveled towards the hallway across the one I was previously investigating. I entered the first room on my right.

The room turned out to be a music room. There were instruments all over the room. Everything from woodwinds, brass, keyboard, percussion, and string instruments were placed in the room. There was a small stage for performances. There was also multiple chairs for the musicians to play and an elevated conductor's stand, so that all of the musicians may see the conductor. This seems like a cool place. Too bad, I can't play music or anything. Maybe I should let Ayano know about this room. With not a lot to examine, I left the music room.

I resumed my exploration by moving towards the room at the end of the hall. I looked up to the sign above the door. "Trophy Room", huh? I wonder what I'm getting myself into. Only one way to find out. I entered the trophy room, and it was pretty self-explanatory what I found. Two displays of a bunch of random trophies on two opposite walls. The Ultimate Painter was looking through one and examining the trophies.

Yuki: Good evening, Miss Ari. Nice seeing you here.

Ari: It's nice to see you as well.

Yuki: I'm guessing that you are also looking around the floor.

Ari: Yep, what about you?

Yuki: I'm doing the same as you.

Ari: Have you found anything interesting in here?

Yuki: Not necessarily. The trophies seem to have unfamiliar names on them, which lead to a blank.

Ari: I'm sure we will find something soon. There's no way the mastermind can be perfect.

Yuki: Of course not. We will find it out their schemes soon enough.

Ari: Before I forget, Nia told about your promise to her and Fioren.

Yuki: Oh, she did. What is it you like to discuss about?

Ari: I'm not really sure. I just wanted to commend you for keeping your word.

Yuki: Of course, it is what being a gentleman is all about.

Ari: Nia is lucky to have you, you know that?

Yuki: I do. She goes out of her way to remind me. I would say I also benefit from her in my life.

Ari: That's sweet of you to say, Yuki.

Yuki: Although I am the mentor out of the two of us, she also teaches me.

Ari: How so?

Yuki: Miss Nia has taught me to relax sometimes and also, to have good "comebacks" in disagreements.

Ari: Oh?

Yuki: She has also been kind enough to teach me the basics of puppetry, and she has quickly grown to trust me.

Ari: That's great, Yuki.

Yuki: Of course, Miss Nia kept her guard up the first two days around me, but once we grew to understand each other, we became closer as friends.

Ari: I'm happy that you and Fioren have been such a change to her. Nia couldn't have become the way she is without you.

Yuki: You are making me blush, Miss Ari. I am grateful to teach Miss Nia and to be her friend. Don't forget to give yourself some credit, too.

Ari: What are you talking about?

Yuki: Miss Nia has always secretly spoken about you. She has said that she admires your hope and leadership for the group. Miss Nia has even gotten to the point of saying that we couldn't have made it past all these challenges without you.

Ari: Wow. I didn't know Nia thought of me like that.

Yuki: She does, but please don't tell Miss Nia, I told you. She asked for me not to share that information.

Ari: Don't worry, Yuki. My lips are sealed.

Yuki: Thank you.

Ari: I'm going to check the last room, then go to bed. See you tomorrow, Yuki.

Yuki: Goodbye, Miss Ari!

I left the trophy room and visited the last room in the hallway, which turned out to be another classroom. I entered hoping to find the last person I have yet to talk to. Luckily enough for me, I found Mikio sitting on a desk.

Mikio: Ari, what are you doing here?

Ari: I'm just looking around the floor. What about you?

Mikio: Just trying to avoid everyone.

Ari: Why are doing that?

Mikio: I think you forgot what happened yesterday. Remember? I tried to hide the truth about a suicide.

Ari: But you didn't know it was a suicide!

Mikio: That doesn't excuse the fact that I almost got everyone killed.

Ari: But you didn't, Mikio. All eight of us are still here.

Mikio: I understand that, but I still feel guilty. I feel like I should've been executed for hiding the truth.

Ari: Mikio, you don't deserve to die. You just misunderstood the situation and in the end, you tried to protect the person you love. I know I would try and protect the ones I loved if they came in harm's way. I'm sure everyone on some extent has to understand what you did.

Mikio: I hear what you're saying, but this unbearable guilt is killing me.

Ari: Mikio, I know you are feeling guilty, but all of us will forgive you. I know I basically already have. What happened in the past, stays in the past. Don't forget you still have a future with the seven of us. If you let your past haunt you for the rest of your life, you won't get anything done.

Mikio: That's true. Thanks Ari.

Ari: Of course, Mikio. It was no problem.

I stood up and walked towards the door to leave.

Mikio: Ari...

Ari: Yeah?

Mikio: I'm sorry.

Ari: I forgive you, Mikio. Like I said, we all will.

Mikio: No, I mean I'm sorry for all the things I've done to you.

Ari: Mikio, what do you mean?

Mikio: I blamed you in the first trial for killing Daniella. In the third trial, I went against you in the scrum debate thing or whatever. Also, I—

Ari: It's all in the past and has been forgiven.

Mikio: You sure?

Ari: Positive.

The Nighttime announcement played on all of the speakers.

Mikio: Guess it's time to hit the hay, huh?

Ari: Yep.

Mikio: Here, I'll walk with you downstairs.

Ari: Okay.

Mikio and I walked down the stairs to the first floor. After that, we split ways, and I went to the kitchen to get something quick for dinner. Afterwards, I returned to my dorm room for the night. As I laid in bed, I slowly closed my and began to drift asleep.

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