Ch. 3 "Greed is a Gateway to Hell" - Free Time Event (Shun)

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After returning to my room, I noticed I still had some free time before Nighttime began. There's four options to choose from. Akihiko, Nia, Shun, and Yuki. As I leaving my room, my luck was proven as I ran into a certain Ultimate Ice Skater.

Shun: Excuse me, Ari. Sorry, I was in a rush to see someone.

Ari: Oh, it's fine. I'll leave you to it.

Shun: Actually, I was here to see you.

Ari: Oh, what for?

Shun: It's a little stupid, but I need your assistance for something having to do with the game night tomorrow.

Ari: Well if there's anything I can do, I'll help.

Shun: Trust me; it doesn't require much effort and might be a little fun.

Ari: Sounds interesting... I'm in!

Shun: Alright! Follow me.

Shun led the way towards the third floor and into the recreational room.

Ari: Okayyy, so what are you planning for me tonight?

Shun: I was thinking we play some board games and some card games.

Ari: Sounds fun, but what does that have to do with game night?

Shun: I'm trying to play all the games to see which of these are fun, but also the games that don't cause the players to rage.

Ari: Understood. Let's play some games!

The first game Shun picked up was similar to Clue. It was instead called "Twilight Syndrome Murder Case."

Shun: These names really aren't creative. Who names these characters Girl A and Girl B?

There were only six characters to choose from. Five of which are named Girls A-E and the only male is named Guy F.

Ari: This is a weird game. I wouldn't suggest this, considering everything that's happening.

Shun: Agreed.

Shun chose a board called "Deadly Life", which was an obvious rip-off of Life.

Shun: What's a "Remnant of Despair"?

Ari: A what?

Shun: I'm not sure...

Shun: So what do you think about it?

Ari: I guess it's fine. At least, it won't cause any arguments.

The next game was called "Dictatorship". An obvious knock-off of Monopoly.

Shun: This game is super long!

Ari: Isn't that a good thing?

Shun: How so?

Ari: Well, the more time we spend playing this game together means the more time we have to build strong bonds.

Shun: Understood.

Ari: Also, I just realized this there is already a pool table and a dartboard here, so we could use those for entertainment.

Shun: Good point.

Shun and I play a few card games that obviously based off of Uno, Rook, and Solitaire.

Ari: I think we have games anybody can enjoy.

Shun: Yeah, thank you so much! This game night is sure to be a wonderful night for all of us to enjoy.

Ari: You're welcome! If you need anything, just let me know.

Shun: Sounds good! It's nice to know I can rely on you.

Ari: Before we go to our rooms, may I ask you a question?

Shun: Of course, I have nothing to hide.

Ari: This may seem odd, but what is your favorite drink?

Shun: Not odd at all. Although it seems childish, I can't help but enjoy a nice glass of chocolate milk.

Ari: May I ask why?

Shun: Anytime I drink chocolate milk, I am reminded of that better time in life, childhood.

Ari: Wow. I wasn't expecting that reasoning.

Shun: What about you?

Ari: I personally enjoy some sweet tea.

Shun: Cool, is that all you need to know?

Ari: Yep, thanks Shun. I had a great time.

Shun: Me too. Byeeeeeeeeee!

I left the rec room and returned to my new bedroom. I changed into some PJs and made myself warm under the bed sheets. I slowly closed my eyes to the good day I had, hoping for another one ahead.

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