Ch. 4 "One Lie Could Cost Everything" - Daily Life Part 5

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With only three rooms left in the hallway, I walked towards the direction of them. I entered the first door on the left and walked into a room unlike the rest. What is this place?

Monokuma: Ughhh... c'mon! Can the nine of you not investigate together?!?

Ari: What?

Monokuma: I've had to explain this room 5 times already!!! If I have to explain it one more time I'll swear I will lose my marbles.

Ari: Are you done?

Monokuma: Sure.

Ari: What is this room exactly?

Monokuma: Since you must know, it is the new room where I will be holding my gatherings from now on! Hence why it is called the Announcement Room.

Ari: What was wrong with the gym? We all met there just the same.

Monokuma: Well, I thought that since your research labs are on this floor. It would be nice if I put the announcement room here.

Ari: What about our dormitories? They are on the first floor.

Monokuma: So?

Ari: Why have them on the first floor of our announcement room you always call us to is on the fourth floor.

Monokuma: Well- Uh- Just shut up and leave before I wish you had never been born!

Ari: Fine, fine, whatever.

I quickly left the room, avoiding the consequence for upsetting the bear. I wish I could argue with him, but after what happened to Fioren, I can't risk it. I walked to the next room at the end of the hallway, but it was unlike the other rooms on this floor. It seemed like it was a restaurant of sorts. Unlike the other areas, the restaurant had no door and only had a bar where you could order. There was a menu that could be seen from the bar and a sign with "Monokuma's Cafe" on it. The Ultimate Gardener was there looking at the menu.

Ari: Hey, Kazutaka.

Kazutaka: Oh, hello Ari.

Ari: I was trying to look for you earlier, but I couldn't find you.

Kazutaka: Sorry! I was looking around.

Monokuma: What can I do for you, today?

Ari: Ah!

I jumped back in fear from Monokuma because I was startled.

Kazutaka: Are you okay?

Ari: How did you- What? Huh?

Kazutaka: What's wrong?

Ari: How did Monokuma get here if he was in the Announcement Room just then?

Kazutaka: There must be multiple Monokumas... or something like that.

Ari: I guess.

Kazutaka: I wonder what I should get. I'm kind of hungry right now.

I looked at the clock it's already 6 o' clock! Dang I haven't even thought about lunch. Man, I'm starving.

Ari: Yeah. Now that you mention it, I could go for something to eat.

Kazutaka: What would you suggest on getting?

I looked at the menu and saw a variety of things everything from a burger to sushi to salad to pasta.

Ari: I know what I am going to get.

I turned to the Monokuma in a maid outfit.

Ari: I'll take an order of french fries and a medium sweet tea.

Kazutaka: And I'll take a salad.

Maid Monokuma: An-order-of-french-fries-a-medium-sweet-tea-and-a-salad-coming-right-up.

Within a few minutes, Kazutaka's and my orders were ready.

Ari: Not the greatest food, but it will do for being stuck in this place.

Kazutaka: Agreed. According to the sign, this place is open twenty-four hours and serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Ari: That will be handy for when I am too lazy to cook.

Kazutaka: Yeah.

Ari: I think I'm going to look around this last room. Thanks for hanging out with me.

Kazutaka: Sure. You too.

I walked away from the Monokuma Cafe and entered the last room in the hallway, Mikio's research lab.

The room was decorated like a drama club with a pretend stage and an assortment of masks, gloves, and costume pieces.

Mikio: Good evening, Ari.

Ari: Greetings, Mikio.

Mikio: Do you like the room?

Ari: Definitely suits someone given the title of the Ultimate Actor. In other words, I enjoy it.

Mikio: Yeah, I could see myself enjoying its decor and using the room to its upmost potential.

Ari: So what is it like to be an actor?

Mikio: It's thrilling. I love to be on a stage or a set under the lights and a camera. I love playing characters I can relate to, but it's a great challenge to act as characters I can't relate to.

Ari: I bet. I loved watching you on shows as a kid, but I only knew by the characters you played. Sorry if that offends you.

Mikio: It's fine by me. I sometimes would forget my real name because everyone would call me by my character name.

Ari: I'm sorry to hear that, Mikio.

Mikio: You know sometimes I just wish people would think I am more than just someone who acts. I could have other interests and qualities other than acting. Don't get me wrong I love acting, but I want to be known for doing something great, to be making a change, not just acting.

I saw a new side of Mikio, today. I felt sympathy for the young actor. I guess my face was a give away based off of Mikio's expression of guilt.

Mikio: I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have spilled my feelings all towards you like that. I'll leave you alone.

Ari: No, Mikio, you don't have to-

Mikio: It's fine. Don't feel bad for me.

Mikio left me alone in his research lab. I forget that not everyone in here is completely proud of their talents. I left the research lab and returned to the first floor. I entered my dormitory and fell on my bed. I don't know what's ahead of me, but there are eight people on my side. Well, seven if you exclude the traitor. Six if you think one of them is the mastermind. Maybe it won't be as easy as I thought.

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