Ch. 2 "The Weirdest Love You've Ever Seen" - Free Time Event (Ayano)

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I wish I could stay in my room until the concert and catch up on rest, but I felt a calling to go spend my free time with someone. Before I could though, I remembered I ran out of shampoo in my shower, so I went to the second floor to see if there was any extra in the storage closet. Luckily enough, I killed two birds with one stone because not only did I find shampoo. I also found a familiar face there.

Ayano: Hey, hey, hey Ari!

Ari: Hi Ayano.

Ayano: What have you been up to recently?

Ari: Nothing much. Trying to socialize with everyone.

Ayano: That's a good way to spend your time. Have you talk to everyone yet?

Ari: Not really. I have to talk to Akihiko, Fioren, Nia, Shun, Yuki, and you, but other than that I talked to everyone.

Ayano: How about you talk to me now?

Ari: Aren't you busy with setting up for the concert? It isn't that far away.

Ayano: Yuuto's taking care of most of it. I'll just be opening for him and assisting in any way I can. I'm like his right hand woman.

Ari: Cool. I'm down to talk to you then.

Ayano: How about we go to the faculty room? It's getting claustrophobic in here.

Ari: Yeah, give me one second. I just need to get some shampoo.

Ayano: KK.

We left the storage closet, and headed towards the faculty room. Once we arrived, I sat in a chair and she sat next to me.

Ari: So what were you doing in the storage closet?

Ayano: Just getting last minute things for the concert. Yuuto and I have practically been practicing all day. I can't wait for you all to see it!

I was going to mention that I spent time with him earlier, but I didn't want to ruin Ayano's good mood.

Ari: I'm happy the group is having the chance to bond. We definitely need it after the first trial.

Ayano: I hope it's the first and last trial.

Ari: Agreed.

Ayano: It stinks we didn't think of this sooner. I bet Daniella and Teshi would have been good to hang out with.

Ari: Yeah...

Ayano: Hey, they also wouldn't have wanted you to mope either. C'mon Ari! I don't want to you to lose your punch.

Ari: I won't, Ayano. I just don't want those two to be forgotten.

Ayano: We won't forget them, Ari. Trust me.

Ari: Okay. Anyways, what is it like to be a DJ?

Ayano: It's rockin'! I love seeing a wonderful crowd pumped up and jamming to what I play. It's always fun to see how even though we are all different people, we can all enjoy music.

Ari: Wow, that was deep and poetic.

Ayano: You know what I also noticed?

Ari: What is it?

Ayano: Yorua and I have ponytails that look the same.

Ari: Huh?

I was in awe of disbelief to hear Ayano say that right after saying something so meaningful.

Ayano: Anyways, what are you looking forward to the most tonight?

Ari: I would guess hearing Yuuto and you perform. We rarely show each other our talents, so I like seeing everyone demonstrate their skills.

Ayano: That's a good way to look at tonight. I'm most excited for the food.

Ari: Wait, there will be food?!?

Ayano: Of course! Can't enjoy a good time without food.

Ari: I completely support that idea if I can get food.

The two of us laughed at the joke I made.

Ari: I was wondering, when is your birthday?

Ayano: Mine is July 22. What about you?

Ari: I was born on November 26.

Ayano: May I ask why you want to know?

Ari: Just out of curiosity.

Ayano: Ok, gotcha.

Ari: You should probably get to work.

Ayano: Doing what?

Ari: Uh, working the concert.

Ayano: Oh Shoot!

Ayano zoomed out of the door. I left the faculty room and went back to my room to get ready for the concert. I can't wait to eat way too much.

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