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"Cora." Craig shook me awake.

I turned my head to face opposite of him. I know what he's doing.

He's waking me up for hell.

"You gotta get to school." He sat on the edge of my bed.

I yawned. "Nooo." I mumbled lowly.

"Why?" He slumped on top of me.

I groaned, making him chuckle and stand back up. "Craig, they ruined my shoes again." I yawned sitting up.

"You've got to be kidding me. Why don't you just beat the fuck out those hoes.." He encouraged his thought.

I shook my head. "I'm not like that."

"I taught you what to do! What did I say?"

"Aim for the throat, aim for the jaw, be the last thing that they saw." I rolled my eyesl.

He chuckled again. "Now do that."

"I can't! Craig please don't make me." I pouted at him.

He thought for a while. "Lemme try to clean them. Where are they?"

"I tried already..They're in my backpack."

He hesitated, but got up, grabbing my backpack. He pulled them out to notice how distressed they now were. The ink had been absorbed by the sensitive material. There isn't any coming back from that.

"I'm sorry. I know you wasted your money on those shoes. I'm so sorry. I should've taken care of them." I shook my head, disappointed in myself.

"It's not your fault. Have you thought about reporting those girls?"

"It's not just girls." I ruffled my hair. "I can't report them, it'll make the situation worse. Then, the guys come and I can't hit the-"

"It's some niggas too?! Nah that's when they cross the line." He huffed pacing back and forth now. "Their names?"

"I-I don't know them. They're the boyfriends of the girls who mostly bully me." I mentally facepalmed myself at how weak I sounded.

'Bully'? What am I? 10? I shouldn't be putting up with this shit.

"Im gonna buy you some new shoes. Just get dressed."

I stammered, standing up. "B-B-But..."

"Fine. Don't go to school today. But still, get dressed." He commanded before exiting my room.

I sat down with a huff.

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TOXIC LOVE // J.O.  *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now