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Sakura had developed a fear of her classmates ever since Miyun transfered in. She was always silent, but she still had the courage to speak behind her hand to ask for help with a problem or to borrow a pen.

Until Miyun stepped in.


"Is she always this quiet? Hey, Sakura! You're not a very fun person, are you? Hey, answer me! You big-eared freak!"

It was all she could do to keep quiet, clench her teeth to keep her silence.

It was all she could do not to immediately whip around and snap a finger off Miyun's hand as she smacked her forehead, tousling her bangs and leaving a painful sting.


Lunch was Sakura's happy time, where only she was left alone in the classroom for forty minutes because she didn't go down to eat. Instead, she licked her dry lips as she dug around her bookbag and pulled out an opaque plastic tupperware.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, but I don't do science very well and I know you do. This is actually my first time staying up for lunch."

Sakura brushed aside her bangs with her fingers. The hem of the white button-up supposedly worn under the blue blazer and long pale fingers stared back at her.

Kang Hyewon stood in front of her with an open exercise book in her hand, large curious eyes looking down on her tupperware.

"I- sure, no problem," Sakura said, stuffing it back into her bookbag. Her stomach growled, but she bit her tongue.

"Thanks, you're really smart," Hyewon complimented her.

Sakura hoped she'd go away just this once, because she really really was starving.

But Hyewon pulled up a chair and sat down at her desk, tearing open a packet of chocolate crackers. She groaned inwardly.

"Do you never eat?" she asked, biting into a cracker. "I never see you go down to the cafeteria."

Kkura, come on.

"N-no," she started hesitantly. "I can't eat the food."

Hyewon made a face. "I know it's bad and all, but you actually never go down. Do you have like a really bad medical condition-"

"Something like that," Sakura cut her off, slowly lowering her hand, "but if I eat in front of you, you can't tell anybody what you've seen."

"Or what?"

"I'll... have to kill you."

Hyewon chuckled. "Alright. It's okay if you eat raw mice or whatever-"

Sakura flinched and her hand paused around the lid of her tupperware.

"You- you'll see," she sighed, completely lowering the barrier between the rest of her face and her new, only friend.

She bared her teeth.

Hyewon's doe-like expression remained unimpressed and deadpan at the small sharp canines, molars and mottled black tongue Sakura displayed and chomped down into another cracker. "Cool."

Sakura grinned widely, a pure happy feeling taking over her, completely comfortable now as she took the lid off and proceeded to pick up a small squirming pinkie and drop it in her mouth.

"So you eat that, every day?" Hyewon asked in a casual tone like it was something normal, crumpling her wrapper in her hand.

Sakura nodded, still chewing slowly.

"...is it good?"

"It gets boring eating it five days a week," Sakura said.

"I guessed so. If eating only pinky mice for five days a week is why you're so skinny, then follow me after school, I'm taking you for a meal," Hyewon said, standing up. "Now put the tupperware back, we have five minutes before the bell rings."

"Why are you so okay with me? I have large ears and sharp teeth and a black tong-"

"If your mind is human, then I don't really care, Sakura."

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