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Hyewon lets out an animal growl when they reach the station. She doesn't have anything left on her mind, just to get to the rest of the girls imprisoned in that unknown location.

Images from her and Daeman's past fly around in her head, dizzying, and she can almost smell copper and muddy ground from the memory-

"Hold the fucker down, Hyewon, he tried to kill you! I'll kill him!"

Fifteen-year-old Daeman was not a typical schoolboy. He stood at five foot seven, broad shouldered and criss-crossed with scrapes and bruises.

A tiger.

Only to his best friend - Hyewon - did that menacing snaggletoothed sneer turn into a toothy grin.

But holding a rival thief at knifepoint in an awkward, thrashing chokehold in a purple evening alleyway was not time for the latter.

It overwhelms her, makes her take a step back.

The motorcycle lay on its side behind them, front wheel still turning weakly while the back one was dead and deflated, Hyewon's shard of glass from the shattered side mirror embedded in the tail of the slashed rubber.

A trickle of blood trailed from her lip.

She lifted her head, breathing deeply, weakly holding up a fold of 50,000 won bills, "Daeman, there's no need to kill him. We have what we want."

She takes two steps forward and swallows.

She halts a cab and throws the driver from his seat with an un-Hyewon-like strength. Sakura chokes back a shocked gasp as she gets yanked into the passenger seat beside her friend, and cries out when Hyewon slams her foot down onto the pedal, sending the car lurching forward and speeding away from the familiar scene of a man lying on the ground because of her desperate need.

Sakura has never seen Hyewon cry before. She doesn't make any more sound as Hyewon punches in an unrecognised number into her keypad.


"Choi Sungmin, just this once, help me."


Time has set on them, Nako thinks, watching the pipe spit out the fabric.

As the nooses tighten around the necks of Eunbi, Chaeyeon, and Yena, she presses her forehead against the glass, too conscious of the icy water pooling lapping at her heels already.

cliffhanger motherfuckers


anyway we got wine red sakura mm the flavour

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