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Hyewon had to tap loudly the rhythm of many, many songs with her palms on the door before Sakura begrudgingly opened it up.

She let herself in, a breeze of black sweater and jeans passing through the door and into the living room. Sakura didn't look too happy about anything.

"Didya forget I lived at the first floor?"

She scowled at Hyewon, curled up into a grumpy ball on a corner of the couch with her arms folded across her chest.

Hyewon snickered and set her phone on the cushion beside her foot.

"You know, Eunbi planned to take us out for dinner tonight. If you wanna go..." Hyewon trailed off. She sat on the floor with her legs folded in front of Sakura, looked up at her frown.

"It... was just one night but... I woke up sad because I didn't hear the kids running around..." Sakura said. "Yea. I want to go."

Hyewon stood up. She eyed Sakura and how sad she looked curled up in a loose faded grey shirt and long cotton pants with a plain expression.

Then she broke into a smile and pulled Sakura off the couch by her wrist.

"Cool. Get dressed now, I'm taking you down to the barn. You can mess around for this week, because the snow's so much not even Yujin can plough her way through."

Hyewon left the house and walked down to her car.

A few moments later, Sakura came down too.

Sakura wore thicker clothing this time: a grey wool turtleneck and a long brown trenchcoat she didn't button up along with black Converse.

"Not bad," Hyewon complimented as they got into the car.

They drove in silence, with Sakura looking out of the window and hugging her trenchcoat. (She'd taken it off earlier.)

Hyewon broke the silence by asking, "Are you okay, Kkura?"

Sakura turned her head to face Hyewon and hummed, though Hyewon traced a slight tone of insincerity.

"What's bothering you?"

"Nothing, Kwangbae..."

Hyewon stopped the car the side of the road and shot her a look with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay! Okay, just drive, I'll talk," Sakura groaned, reclining in her seat. Hyewon smiled and got back on the road.

"It's just... the trip isn't too far off, and I'm really, really scared that... that she'll hurt me again," Sakura sniffed, letting her thoughts out little by little, "because she looked like she'd try again," she gestured to the purple bruise above her eyebrow, "and I might die in a really shit way in Jeju. She might drown me, or strangle me- or poison me, or stab me with a hunter weapon and-"

"Kkura ya, I'm going to get Jaeyeong, Daeman, Seunmi, literally everyone, to protect you. Even myself. I'll look after you with my life, damn it," Hyewon growled. She shut her eyes hard for a moment, brows furrowing, then softened and let off on a light joke. "I know if the girls went they'd protect you too. Especially Ch-"

"-Chaeyeon," Sakura finished in a whisper, subtle smile settling onto her lips.

"Yea." Hyewon cracked a smirk unconsciously.

"Speaking of Chaeyeon," she continued, "do you think she'll freak out when she sees the bruise?"

"Oh, yea," Sakura muttered, looking through her call logs. Her eyes widened at Chaeyeon's contact.

God, there's So. MANY. MISSED CALLS.

"Kwangbae, if Miyun doesn't kill me, Chaeyeon will." She fiddled with the velvet cuff of her trenchcoat.

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