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The days leading up to the dreaded trip were perplexing, to say the least. Winter bled into spring, at last.

Sakura became alarmingly anxious after finding out Miyun wasn't the danger, so no matter how much she missed Chaeyeon and Yujin and Hitomi and everyone else, she didn't dare leave her apartment.

There was no amount of coaxing from Hyewon that would convince her to go back to the barn either, so she drove them to see Sakura instead. However, she could only bring about four people at a time since her car was small, and only three if Yujin or Wonyoung was one of them.

Chaeyeon slept at her house for the days leading up to Monday, hugging her through her anxiety attacks and sleepless nights.

Hyewon accompanied Chaeyeon to stay at Sakura's house overnight for the weekend before the trip, making sure she was okay and keeping her well fed with meat other than tiny mice.

"Have you packed?" Hyewon whispered, not wanting to wake Chaeyeon. Sakura shifted as slowly as she could in her hold.

"Yea," she replied, gesturing to the duffel beside the door.

Hyewon sighed and smushed her face into a cushion. "If it isn't Miyun, we have to be even more careful. Everyone's so friendly towards you now. Hunters must have acting in their resumés."

"Not wrong," Sakura chuckled. Then it seemed like the air solidified, trapping them in ice. It was as though the chunks clicked together, making the silence suffocating, until Sakura spoke again:

"I don't want to die, Hyewon."

The words were chilling and icy, cutting Hyewon to the bone and raising hairs on her nape. "No, Kkura- don't say that- no, you aren't going to die, I promise."

"I hope so," Sakura said grimly. She turned over and snuggled into Chaeyeon's nape, breathing in her scent.

"This might be the last time I love you," she muttered, knowing Chaeyeon wasn't hearing it.


Sakura had been fed half a steak and a glass of apple juice. Since summer had arrived, she dressed in a blue-and-white striped collared blouse and white denim shorts.

Hyewon whistled, earning a flick in the backside from Chaeyeon.

Chaeyeon kissed her goodbye and left the apartment for the train station to Chumjjang. Poor Hitomi must be waiting.

"Let's go," Hyewon sighed, grabbing her keys off her suitcase.

The sky was brightening, turning light purple and blue. However, the beauty did nothing to ease Sakura's discomfort.


The bus was cramped and rowdy. The chatter and laughter of thirty students filled the air around Sakura as she made vain attempts to fall asleep. She hugged her duffel tighter.

"Hey," Daeman said to Seunmi, "she's trying to sleep. Turn it down." He gestured to her phone. She'd forgotten to bring earphones, so she decided playing her music on full volume was a good idea.

Seunmi nodded sheepishly and pressed the volume button as Hyewon watched the bar go from seven squares to four.

"How's your nose?" Hyewon asked, leaning forward to see Daeman over Sakura's duffel. She noticed and set it down onto the floor, pushing it under her seat with her foot.

"It's okay, I guess," he replied, gingerly touching the white strip across his nose bridge. "Is she hungry?"

"A little," Sakura said shyly.

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