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"Sakura, pick up..." Hyewon groaned, tapping continuosly on Sakura's contact.

Finally, she picked up.

Call connected

"Hi, Kkura? I'm outside, you can come out now-"

A choked cry crackled through the speaker instead, freezing Hyewon's blood. Not Sakura's, but a man's.

"Hye- Hyewon get out- get out of here! Miyun- hurt-"

Call ended

"Shit." Hyewon had never gotten out of a car so quickly. She ran the length of the stairs in record time, then rushed through the automatic doors to the counter.

"Sakura?" she leaned over the counter and its stacks of books. "Holy shit!"

Sakura sat slumped over in the chair, face down on the desk. Telltale needle-like specks of blood spattered the paper nearby her: blunt trauma. Daeman was sprawled out on the ground under the counter desk. A noticeable pool of blood was spreading around his face.

"Shit, shit, fuck, Sakura, wake up, you gotta wake up," she panicked, propping Sakura's body upright. Her nose was bleeding. A large bruise marked her forehead.


Hyewon called the police, then an ambulance.


"Next time, you won't be so lucky," a policeman muttered, scribbling down a note. Hyewon had Miyun with her after much shouting. Miyun had paid her bail for assault - 160KKRW - rich girl that she was.

They walked to Hyewon's car in silence after a security guard told them to leave.

"I'm sorry," Miyun whispered.

"You have no shame," Hyewon said bluntly before driving off to the hospital.

Something about Hyewon's voice was so hypnotising - when she was happy, it was a butterfly, gently flitting around. When she was angry, it wasn't lighting or a knife. It was a sword completely made of ice, and it cut Miyun to the bone.

Hyewon heard Miyun stifle sobs under her hand, but she didn't really care.

After all, the amount of tears she shed was no match for the amount Sakura had.


"I'm okay, Kwangbae," Sakura chuckled on the waiting bench. They were waiting for Daeman.

It hurt Hyewon to see Sakura with pink eyes and bandages on her face. However, Daeman had it worse. Miyun had somehow broken his nose and one of his ribs.

"At the police station-"

"You went to the police?" Sakura interrupted.

"Yes, but that isn't the point, at the police station earlier she confessed to knocking him unconscious with a textbook and then beating him with the chair."

"The chair," Sakura repeated, deadpan.

"I think she propped you up on it after you blacked out," Hyewon finished. Although Miyun was there, both girls pretended not to see her.

"She knocked him out first and I didn't hear it," Sakura sniffed. "I could've helped him."

"Not your fault," Hyewon mumbled. The butterfly voice hugged Sakura so she knew she wasn't to blame. Miyun's throat consctricted.

Sakura rubbed the patch on her forehead.

"Kang Hyewon," a nurse called out. "Your friend wants to see you."

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