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Sakura dreaded Monday in fear of what Miyun would do to her, but attended school anyway. She wanted to follow Hyewon to the barn again, and see all the friends she'd never make in the city.

As she set on the path to walk to school, a black Honda Civic rolled up, slowly following her. The window rolled down.

"Need a ride?"

Sakura grinned, "Yea."

There were two cups of drink in the cup holder, one half-drunk. Hyewon passed the other to Sakura.

"You couldn't drink chocolate, but please tell me you can drink apple juice?"

"I can eat fruits, but not vegetables."

"Perfect, now get in," Hyewon beckoned, waiting for Sakura to strap herself in.

"So... about Miyun? I reported her for invasion of privacy and she got fined," Hyewon said.

"How much?"

"About 44,000KRW."

Sakura choked. "Forty four thousand won? That's enough to buy me pinkies for twenty two weeks!"

"Yes, but point is, she lost almost four weeks' worth of allowance. Did you know she gets 10,000KRW allowance every week?"

Sakura snorted and let out a hearty laugh, throwing her head back.

"One day you'll be able to smile with your teeth in school, Kkura," Hyewon said warmly, "everyone in Seonggong is open minded and accepting. They just have a bad influencer."

"And that's Miyun."

"Correct. Also, I bought you a mask. You should be tired of lifting your hand to your mouth every time, right?"

"I love you, Kwangbae, you know? Not in that way, but you get the point," Sakura mumbled, tucking a strap behind her ear. It was black and made of breathable cotton; very comfortable.

"Aw, nicknames, I'm so touched," Hyewon said, wiping away a fake tear. Sakura slapped her head. "Alright, now get out of the car. We're here."


"So you're a lesbian, Kang?"

"What makes you think that?" Hyewon asked. Sakura admired how her words were laced with threat, yet the tone of her voice was gentle and soft.

"Miyun says you were dating Sakura," a girl with thick maroon lipstick on drawled.

"Do you just follow what Miyun says, Jiwoo? Can I not interact with a person of the same gender?"

Hyewon pulled up her chair to Sakura's desk to make sure her morning would not be spent looking at her hands again.

Jiwoo kept her silence, stunned. Now she thought about it, Miyawaki Sakura was just a lonely freak and Kang Hyewon was a loveless living calculator with her life revolving around physics.

She brought out a tissue and subtly dabbed at her lips until all that remained was a pretty red hue to make them stand out.

She was only wearing it because Miyun said it looked nice. She looked far better without it.

Even though no one acknowledged it, Miyun was pretty only because her friends looked worse than her.

Hyewon smiled to herself and played with Sakura's hands. From behind Jiwoo, Miyun shot a murderous look at Sakura.

"Isn't Eunbi your girlfriend, though?" Sakura whispered, voice made barely audible by the cotton mask.

"Yea, she is," Hyewon giggled. Sakura thought smiling, giggling Kwangbae was way more prettier than expressionless bookworm Kang Hyewon.

She was prettier than how all three layers of make up applied daily made Miyun look, and Miyun knew.

"Hey, I'm talking, look at me," she snapped, slapping the desk in front of a friend's face.

"Sakura seems nicer than you, Yun."

The way Miyun's face froze over was so very rewarding to Hyewon.


After school, Eunbi was laughing face down on Yena's mattress and Chaeyeon was cackling clear "Haha"s.

"A-and then," Sakura paused to wheeze, "she said 'Sakura seems nicer than you, Yun,' I tried so hard not to laugh in her face right there!"

Yuri ripped open a family size packet of honey potato chips and ate them in greedy handfuls between laughs, sharing with Chaewon and Hyewon. It was nice seeing Nako laugh too; despite her being almost eighteen, her laughter was a child's laugh and it brightened up any home, as quoted by Eunbi.

Wonyoung and Yujin got this news in the back room and Yujin snorted while laughing so loudly and messily Yuri genuinely thought a fox got into the sty. Wonyoung may have cried out of fear.

"Are you a lesbian, she asked me, well, if I had to flirt with your boyfriend to get even, then consider me straight," Hyewon joked. Eunbi kicked her hip. "Ow, that hurt," she pouted.

Wonyoung brought Yujin back around this time after removing her bandages. They settled down on a mattress side by side.

"Are you okay now?" Minju asked. Yujin rubbed the bruise Chaeyeon made, but nodded and smiled cheekily anyway.

"Ah... we're really happy you brought Kkura back to us, Kwangbae," Yena said. "Now there's no third wheel."

"Who was the third wheel?" Sakura asked. Ten fingers pointed at Chaeyeon at the same time.

"Hey!" Chaeyeon yelped, then turned red again when Sakura smiled at her.

"Ginny Weasley much?" Minju teased. Sakura laughed and hugged Chaeyeon, long arms around her waist. Chaeyeon stiffened very noticeably.

"Oh no, Kkura-ya, you've broken her," Wonyoung said.

"Chaeyeon.exe has stopped functioning," Hitomi and Wonyoung wheezed.

"Truth or dare, Miyawaki Sakura!" Hyewon yelled.

"Dare," Sakura answered.

"Kiss Chaeyeon. We don't care where you do it, but you gotta do it," Yuri interrupted. Ten pairs of eyes looked tentatively at them.

"I'll do it on one condition - only one of you can look."

A chorus of "aww" and "Sakuraaa" passed, but in the end it was reaction queen Yujin who was chosen to watch. After all, Yujin would make a louder noise and make it funnier.

Everyone closed their eyes, including Hyewon and Chaeyeon.

Sakura leaned in, and pecked her...


Yujin let out such a shrill screech that Eunbi smacked her down with a heavy bolster, then proceeded to screech herself after Yujin yelled out, "SHE KISSED HER ON THE LIPS!"

If keyboard smashes were audible, it would sound like the cabin right now.

Chaeyeon stopped working, obviously, and Sakura's ears looked like slices of peach as she covered her face. Yujin whooped and shot up to interlock hands with Wonyoung, jumping up and down, and Yuri sang a short line from a famous romantic Korean soap opera. Hyewon smirked and pecked Eunbi herself.

This was the first time Sakura covered her face out of burning happiness, not to hide a crackling embarassment, or to cover her mouth.

The moment seared itself in all twelve girls' minds, forever.


A/N hmMmmM how many chapters before i decide to add angst

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