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It feels like she's underwater, muffled cries of "Sakura!" and "You'll be alright," passing through her head. Her heartbeat thumps loudly in her ears, and she feels warm and fuzzy, like her brain's been replaced with hot ashes and cotton wool.

She inhales sharply and turns her head to the side and registers light, colour, voices. The first blurry images are Yuri collapsed into Chaewon and Minju; Eunbi rubbing circles into Hitomi's back, whose small body is safely wrapped in Hyewon's arms; the first physical touch a soft cheek pressed against her own face, then the pins and needles disappearing from her body as she registers a hand in her own.

"Chaeyeon?" she says in the softest voice, though it takes most of her little strength to call out.

Fortunately, Chaeyeon hears her.

"She's okay!"

A smile cracks Sakura's lips and makes them bleed slightly, coppery salty flavour tangy on her tongue. It stains her bottom row of teeth and tints them black as she continues to break out in a wide gleaming grin. A warm swell in her chest shakes her as she watches Nako run towards Chaeyeon, but the joy doesn't last long.

Chaeyeon lifts the smaller girl into her arms. Sakura's lips press together, attempting to ease the sting of cracked skin. She sits up and starts looking around.

How long has it been?

"Four hours," Chaewon announces, pressing the home button on Eunbi's cracked phone.

Sakura repeats it under her breath, regret and worry bubbling under her new calm.


"So what the hell were you thinking when you threw out of the window?" Wonyoung asks, stepping over a large damp plank of splintered wood. It cracks as her other foot gingerly lands on a thinner part and startles her, earning a sharp yelp that Yujin muffles with a hand.

She shushes Wonyoung in a panic as they both freeze, hands half scrambling in frantic motions. Finally, she lowers her hand and exhales deeply.

"Nothing heard anything," Yujin whispers, shoulders relaxing, "right?"

"Uh, I heard it,"

The two girls' heads whip towards the source immediately, hair raising on the back of their necks.

Yujin makes out the silhouette of long hair and an oval face.

"Kwangbae?" she says.

"No. Eunbi."



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