1K 54 1

They stopped at a street familiar to Sakura. Hyewon parked near the lobby of the apartment.

"You know I live at the first floor, don't you?" Hyewon asked, getting out of the car. Sakura hummed yes.

"Wait here, I'm changing my clothes," Hyewon said, before turning.

"Wait! I wanna get out too," Sakura called out after her, "We're not going to be spending the day at school, so let me change into house clothes!"

She hopped out. Both girls walked into the elevator. Hyewon got out first.

Sakura came down a while later, dressed in a black sweater and high-waisted blue jeans. She got into the car.

"Why're you wearing a tag?" she asked Hyewon, pointing to the small plastic circle pinned to Hyewon's turtleneck breast.

"I work at a café, remember? We're going to meet Eunbi and it won't hurt for me to earn a little extra," Hyewon replied, cricking her neck before starting to drive.

"Anyway, you were right," she continued. "It was Miyun, though I think that was a little too obvious. Here's your 10,000."

Sakura smirked and tucked the bills into her jeans pocket.


"We're here, get outta the car," Hyewon said, pulling a crumpled black apron from the dashboard compartment.

꿀벌 커피 1947년
Honeybee Coffee 1947

They'd barely stepped in the café before a woman in her mid-fifties rushed forward and grabbed Hyewon's shoulders.

"Oh, Kang Hyewon! Perfect timing - Eunju called in sick today. Can you take her shift, I'll pay you ext-"

"I-I know she did, so I c-came in from school to take it," Hyewon stuttered, brain forming words quicker than her tongue could comprehend.

"Good, I'll add 10,000KRW to your pay this month," the older woman said before rushing off and into her car.

Hyewon turned to look at Sakura. "That's my boss," she explained, wearing the apron she took out from earlier.

"She's very cheerful," Sakura commented, grinning and waving looking behind her. "Hi Eunbi!"

Hyewon pushed Sakura into a seat by the window. "Wait here and order something- do you want orange juice?"

Sakura nodded. She needed something to drink. As she looked out of the window and gazed at the snow falling outside with her palm pressed to the glass, Hyewon grabbed Eunbi and pulled her into the kitchen.

"What are you doing here-"

"Shh, we had an emergency come up," Hyewon shushed. "You know Miyun, right? Now the whole class knows about Sakura."

"Oh," Eunbi gasped.

"And they don't seem bothered by it at all, they even started to attack Miyun for tearing off Sakura's mask."

"That's great then, but what's the problem?"

"Problem? If you wanna know, follow me to school later," Hyewon said. "I gotta make Sakura her juice now. Keep going about your day until three o'clock."

"What were you doing?" Sakura asked when Hyewon sat down with her orange juice and a muffin.

"Taking orders," Hyewon mumbled, biting into the muffin.

"Oh, cool. This is good, by the way. I should come here more often."

Hyewon finished her snack and got up, "Gotta work now. Just play your phone or something until three, the WiFi pass is '1947000'."

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