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Sakura waited as everyone came back to the barn after school after a long day of doing nothing until Sunday.

She watched as Hyewon and Eunbi left to work at the café and go to school, as Chaeyeon carpooled with Hitomi to Chumjjang, as Yujin and Wonyoung giggled walking from the hills to the train station.

She couldn't go to her work at the library, because she knew Miyun might ambush her there.

Thankfully, tomorrow was Monday, and she'd be able to see the city again.


"It's been a week," Sakura moaned. "I need to get back to school... I won't be able to graduate like this."

"Tomorrow's Monday," Hyewon said. "You can get back tomorrow."

"Mhm! Uncle said he put you under his radar already, so I guess you're relatively safe," Yujin said.

"So everything's okay now?" Yuri, Nako, and Wonyoung chorused.

"Not exactly," Minju said softly. "For all we know, Miyun could have a gun in her bag."

"Nah, pretty sure all she has in it is her fake nails and make up kit," Hyewon snorted.

"Will you all be quiet? It's four in the morning, get some sleep," Yena moaned.


Sakura was the first to get up even before the maknae line, jumping in her white button up and blazer excitedly.

"Can we get to school early? Can we please get to school early?" she begged Hyewon like a little child with stars in her eyes.

How could Hyewon say no?

"Chaeyeon-ah, we'll get going first," she told Chaeyeon before leaving before breakfast.

"Alright!" Chaeyeon called from the kitchen.

Sakura wrapped her scarf around her nose and Hyewon wore her coat.

Hyewon's stomach rumbled, but the 20,000KRW in her wallet would get her some bread and milk. She was sure Sakura wouldn't be hungry, though, because Sookyung's gift hadn't been eaten yet.

In the car, Sakura ate the sliced eels happily. "It's like sushi," she said, chewing. Hyewon stopped at a convenience store near Seonggong to get a muffin and a bottle of banana milk.

She stopped, freezing at the cashier counter when she caught sight of a red streak in black hair beside her.

"Hyewon-ah," a soft voice called out. It was Miyun, but with all the image gone. She had less make up on.

If Hyewon had a deathwish, she'd be direct and tell Miyun she looked way worse without three layers of her blush, lip tint, and eyeliner.

"I want nothing to do with you," Hyewon said bluntly, taking her plastic bag of food from the cashier.

"Please," Miyun whispered, fingers reaching out to touch Hyewon's hand, "just stop being friends with that thing."

"She's not a thing," Hyewon muttered as she pushed past her to her car.

She drove, singing along to the radio and munching her pastry, while Sakura filled her belly with eel. They shared the bottle of banana milk.

"Okay," Hyewon sighed after a while, "we're here."

As they walked to class, "I ran into her just now. She wasn't wearing any makeup, and she looked like she about to cry." Hyewon paused to laugh. "I was about to feel bad for her but then she called you a 'thing', so I ignored her."


"Sakura!" someone shouted when they walked into class. Songpyo, Sukyeong, and Jiwoo rushed towards Sakura to hug her.

It was all very unusual to Sakura, so she choked out, "Thank you for the food..."

Hyewon chuckled, pulling up a chair to Sakura's desk. It was strange how a few days ago Miyun ran them all and they bullied Sakura under her command, because majority of the class was so excited to welcome Sakura back they forgot Miyun existed now.

"Good that they're treating you well," she whispered happily, smile bringing her eyes into thin almond shapes. She ignored Miyun clenching her fist at the back of the class.

Sukyeong pulled up his chair too, "Sakura-ya, we don't care about your appearance. You can smile now. Miyun won't hurt you anymore."

Professor Kim strolled in briskly, soles of his leather shoes clicking against the floor.

"Good morning, Miyawaki. Were you sick for the week?" He waited for Sakura to nod.

"Yes," Sakura answered crisply. Professor Kim stumbled slightly as he leaned forward to set his case of markers on the teachers' desk, because it was the first time he'd heard her voice.

"A-are you feeling better now?" he stuttered, adjusting his spectacles.

"Yes," she said again.

"Oh, g-good. Good morning everyone, take out your literature exercise books and we'll begin with English improper nouns."

Hyewon and Sukyeong dragged their chairs back.

Sakura was the happiest person on Earth right now, completely ignoring Miyun's glare.

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