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"Hi Sakura," a foxy voice taunted.

"Leave me alone," Sakura whispered, hating to have to speak behind her hand again and shrink back into the scared little girl the class called Freak.

"Being bold now? You should be more polite to me, Freak," Miyun drawled, sitting on the checkout counter in front of Sakura.

Sakura thought she purposely made her skirt ride up her thigh. Either way, she was uninterested. "Please leave me alone or read something."

Miyun flicked her forehead. "That's rude. I don't like it. Apologise."

"Don't you have anything better to do than bother m-"

"Kkura-ya!" a familiar voice boomed.

"Shh, this is a library- Yujin? What are you doing here-"

"Sakura, buddy, we thought you were coming out with us tonight? Gosh, you must be so busy," she continued dramatically, now taking hold of Sakura's arm and dragging her out of her spot.

Sakura looked at the clock and breathed a sigh of relief she hoped wasn't noticed. 6:12PM - work ended for today.

"Who is-"

"I'm Ahn Yujin, Sakura's good friend and protector from you," the taller girl said, poking her finger into Miyun's chest and pushing her backwards.

(The height gap was very much to Yujin's advantage.)

Miyun looked just ready to get physical. Sakura didn't want to stick around to see it, so she ran off with Yujin. Near the main door, she spun Yujin around quickly enough so Miyun didn't see her stick her tongue out at her.

Hyewon waited in her Honda Civic outside, bobbing her head along to the radio. Yujin pushed Sakura into the front seat and jumped into the back herself, squeezing next to another body, and Hyewon took off.

Sakura saw Miyun in the overhead mirror and turned it to Hyewon's side.

"Ahn Yujin! You giant bastard!" Yena complained, elbowing Yujin in the thigh.

"Ow, hey! You listen here-"

Sakura ignored them.

"Who was that?" Hyewon asked, scrunching her nose and looking annoyed.


"That idiot? Does she not have anyone to fuck or something?"

"Y'know Hyewon? With your innocent doe face, I thought you didn't even know what sex was."

"That tends to happen," Hyewon chirped.

"Why'd you guys come with her? It must've been a long way," Sakura asked, turning around to face Yena and Yujin.

"We thought we wanted to tag along and see where you worked, but we ended up waiting for ten minutes, so Yujin jumped out to get you before I could grab her," Yena replied, pinching Yujin.

"Good thing she did," Sakura mumbled.


"Quick, get in before the foxes do," Chaewon welcomed them hurriedly, swatting at Yena's bottom before closing the door behind her. She led the four of them to the dining table where Wonyoung and Yuri were screeching (high note battle?) and the rest of them were having dishes of egg tofu and hot chocolate.

Chaeyeon passed Sakura a mug of warm water and a paper bag of something. "You know, since you can't drink hot chocolate. And I thought you might want them a little bigger," she said. Sakura tilted her head.

"So, Kkura, who was that girl?" Yena asked, before sipping her drink.


"I think you said her name was Miyun," Yujin said.

Sakura had opened the bag. "You didn't have to," but she grinned and popped a squirming pinky into her mouth like candy. "Yea, it's Miyun."

Hyewon cut her off, "Basically there's this girl in our class who thinks she's the prettiest horseass in Seoul and she bullies Kkura for being quiet and talking behind her hand."

"Good summary," Sakura commented, eating another.

Wonyoung let out a sigh. "Bullies are harsh," she whined. "When I was in third grade this girl took my pen-"

"Wonyoung, you are a literal fetus and have no idea what bullying is," Eunbi laughed, tousling her hair.

"I was about to say she took my pen and tried to stab me with it, but okay," Wonyoung snapped, smacking off Eunbi's hand.

The cuckoo, well, cuckooed, short hand striking 12.

"It's past your bedtime," Chaeyeon grumbled, stuffing a cheek with tofu. She set down her chopsticks and ushered everyone into the cabin bath. Minju and Hitomi stayed behind to clean up. Yena went outside to lock up the chickens.


Sakura dressed up in a sleeveless top and shorts this time.

"Chae, I can't sleep," Yuri whined. "Let's play a game?"

"Fine," Hyewon said, sitting up and climbing down from her bunk. Eunbi followed after.

Yujin and Minju sat up and joined them in the forming circle on the mattresses and throw rugs on the floor. Wonyoung and the rest joined them soon after, minus Yena, who was exhausted from her chore.

"Truth or dare?"

"Fine with me," Sakura said, playing with the hem of her top.

"Uh," Wonyoung scanned the girls, "Chaeyeon."


"Truth or dare?"

"Da- truth."

"Who would you date in this room?"

"Not you," Chaeyeon laughed. Minju and Yuri giggled.

"Come on, Chae," Yujin pushed.

"Eh... Kkura-chan?" Chaeyeon scratched her nape. "She's nice enough and she responds well to what I say."

"Hah, you two should go out," Chaewon coughed. Chaeyeon turned pink and kept quiet after that.

After a few more rounds leading to Yuri singing a line in a low voice ending with a large round of applause, Sakura drawing Anpanman cheeks on Yena with Eunbi's lipstick and Chaewon and Minju to steal a kiss (alright, a quick peck on the cheek), they calmed down and slept.

Sakura woke up in the middle of the night feeling something tickling her neck, then turned around to see Chaeyeon hugging her again.

Oh well, no one would see it or stop them, and definitely not Miyun, so she turned her body to face Chaeyeon and hug her back.

No one saw Yujin giggling awake and snap a photo.


A/N enjoy the fluff while you still can


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