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"Chaeyeon- I'm sorry don't hit me, don't- ow! I said I was sorry! OW! This is child abu-"

"Will you two shut up! It's six in the morning!" Eunbi screamed into her pillow.

"Who stepped on my hand," Yena murmured sleepily as Yujin trampled around.

Yuri, Wonyoung, and Yujin were normally the first to get up and take care of everything, but for now Wonyoung dragged Yuri away to leave Yujin for dead.

"Wonyoung-ah, help!" Yujin screeched when the rubber of the slipper hit her back.

At breakfast, Chaeyeon regained composure and served everyone, as always, good and simple dishes. Today it was eggs and samgyetang for them, pinkies and raw chicken for Sakura.

"What happened to your face, Yujin?" Yena asked, gesturing to the purple-blue mark on the corner of Yujin's eyebrow, oblivious to the red circles on her cheeks.

"I should ask what happened to yours," Yujin snickered, showing Yena her reflection on her phone.

"Yujin!" Yena shouted.

"We played truth or dare last night, it was me," Sakura said softly.

"Oh, then that's alright." Yena scooped glutinous rice from the bowl and ate. She wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand.

"That's such biased behaviour-" Yujin gasped, but was cut off.

"Shh, no fighting now, only samgyetang," Hyewon shushed, shovelling a large chunk of chicken meat into Yujin's mouth.

"Mhmff," was Yujin's reply.

"What did happen between you and Chaeyeon though?"

Yujin swallowed. "Glad you asked! Here it is," and she slid her phone over to Hyewon.

"No-" Chaeyeon made a vain effort to grab it before it reached Hyewon.

Too late - Eunbi, Chaewon, and basically everyone were cackling their heads off. Chaeyeon turned bright red and buried her face into her bowl.

Sakura peeked over and laughed too, pink teeth gleaming in the morning sun that poured in through the windows. A sliver of her tongue came out to wet her lips before she took a sip of water.

Sakura offered to take Chaeyeon's place in collecting the dishes with Eunbi later.

"So, are you two friendly like that?" Eunbi giggled, scrubbing a bowl.

"It's always good to return a hug. Especially when you haven't gotten a sincere one for almost a decade and a half of your life," was Sakura's short reply.


Nako's small body struggled to control the animal that was charging towards Sakura.

"Kkura, run off! I don't think I can hold-" The pig slipped through her grasp and thundered towards Sakura with the intention to harm.

A pig may look stupid and harmless, but to a person who's never seen one before, they're the size of large rabbits. In the reality, they are bigger than a fat five year old and can injure a person severely if they have the intent to.

Sakura simply planted her feet and stared at the animal.

Hyewon and Nako watched as her eyes flared bright yellow. They looked at the pig turning a full one-eighty back to the sty, then back to Sakura.

"Why didn't you do that with the chickens?" Hyewon asked, shutting the gate. They started to walk back to the barn.

"I panicked," Sakura said, shifting Nako's weight on her back. Nako happily gripped a fistful of hair gently and pretended Sakura was a horse and the brown strands she held were the reins. "I don't control the animals. I just scare them away."

"Maybe you should do the same for Professor Kim," Hyewon chortled, kicking away a pebble.

"Sometimes I wonder if your face matches your personality, Kwangbae," Sakura said, letting the last word roll off her tongue comfortably. Nako tugged on her bangs lightly.

"Oho, nicknames now! That is true love right there," Hyewon laughed.

Sakura rolled her eyes and Hyewon saw, if she didn't look closely, the sun revealing the very subtle ring of ochre yellow around her dark irises.

Nako alerted them first.

"Sakura-chan, who's that?"

A Mercedes parked right in front of the barn.

"Oh my fucking God," Hyewon groaned, "why is she always bothering you? Does she really have nothing to do?"

Sakura almost collapsed on the spot, knees buckling. Her, of all people, in front of the barn and waiting. Nako sensed it and hopped off Sakura's back.


"What are you doing here, huh?" Yujin hissed, a vein in her neck standing out. Wonyoung held her shirt collar.

"This is Miyun?" Chaewon whispered to Yena. Yena bobbed her head in a small nod.

"If it wasn't for that stench of narcissism, I would think she was pretty," Eunbi growled.

Sakura let go of Nako's hand and walked behind Hyewon.

"I'm here for Hyewon, actually," Miyun said casually, with no tone indicating harm or threat.

"I don't think you have any right to come for me," Hyewon said in a small voice, shrinking back into the quiet bookish girl Sakura knew in school, "if you stalked us all the way here, I can report you for invasion of privacy."

Miyun kept mum.

And Wonyoung made the mistake of loosening her hold on Yujin's collar.

"Get out of this barn, ssekiya!" Yujin roared, lunging forward.

The taller girl swung a punch at Miyun, and everything was over. Miyun grabbed at Yujin's hair, pulling and tugging, while Yujin rained blow after kick - proper, trained strikes - onto her body.

It took Yuri, Chaeyeon, and Sakura to hold Yujin back shouting and kicking while Hyewon wrestled Miyun away from them.


Eunbi detained a pouting Yujin in the cabin with Wonyoung.

"God, why are sixteen-year-olds so angry all the time?"

"ssekiya" is a shortened term for "gaesaeki", meaning son of a bitch

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