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"Funfair?" Yuri, Yujin, and Wonyoung chirped, looking at the tickets in unison.

"You're bringing us tonight?" Sakura asked.

"It's my treat. We haven't gone out in a complete group for almost a year, and now we have Kkura, why not? It's just in Gangnam District too," Eunbi said. "And the tickets were on sale, six for 80,000KRW."

Nako whizzed across the room and crashed into Eunbi's stomach like a small bullet, "Thank you, unnie!"

Yena gasped, "You never address her as unnie."

Nako stuck her tongue out, "She deserves it this time."

Eunbi tried not to cry and cracked a watery smile.

They went out, Sakura dressed appropriately, in her beloved cotton mask and raincoat at the ready. It was cloudly and grey out tonight.


"So collectively, we've lost Nako and Yena twice in the last hour, Yuri once in the last ten minutes, and Yujin in the last twenty seconds," Chaewon said, counting on her fingers.

"How do you even lose Yujin?!" Sakura exclaimed. "She's like the height of the goddamn Test-Your-Strength level meter!"

"And Nako's the height of the mallet," Wonyoung snickered. Nako punched her in the thigh.

"Point is, we gotta go find Yujin now," Eunbi said.

"Got it," Sakura said, running towards a booth. "Hey, can I borrow this for a second," she asked, holding up a large red megaphone. "Thank you."

She ran back and shoved it into Chaeyeon's hands. Wonyoung and Minju covered their ears. For Sakura... she tried, but the sound sensitivity would get her anyway.

Speaking of sensitivity. Amongst the steady rhythm of rain, she thought she heard a low and throaty voice. She focused, and made out words.

"I'm kinda lost, have you seen a middle aged woman with two midgets about this tall and a bunch of girls with colourful hair? No?"

Sakura wanted to cackle. "I think I know where she is."

Chaeyeon lowered the megaphone. Hitomi grabbed it and returned it before there was another chance of Mom-Chae yelling again. "Where?"

"Around the sweet corn stand."

So they made their way there, Wonyoung adjusting her umbrella so Hitomi or Nako wouldn't get too wet. Sure enough, a very tall girl with scruffy brown hair was recognisable.

"Ma'am, have you- Ow!"

Eunbi pulled her by her ear towards the group. "Middle aged woman with two midgets and a bunch of girls with colourful hair, hm?"

Yujin giggled nervously.

"Yujinnie!" Wonyoung yelled and hugged her.

"See, now I can't get mad," Eunbi said to Hyewon, pointing at Wonyoung.

Sakura stepped up, "Yujin-ah, try not to get lost again please."

Yujin's face contorted in an expression barely readable as guilt and she turned to Chaeyeon. "She said that so sweetly, you expect me to get lost again?"

Since they were already in the route of street food, it was Minju and Sakura's treat buying them fried octopus and cheese hotdogs. Hyewon passed by a cake stall and it was all she could do not to buy a whole wedding cake for herself. She got a cupcake instead, Yena's treat.

Although Eunbi warned her for unknown reasons not to, Sakura gave the maknae line her extra 2,000KRW.

The train ride back home was silent save for the soft pitter-patter of rain on the windows and Nako, Yuri, Yujin, and Wonyoung who were high on spun sugar sticks and Western candy.

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