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They'd stopped at a gas station to change from their prestigious uniforms to more comfortable clothes.

("You brought clothes f-for me too? Thank you," Sakura had said, surprised and grateful upon Hyewon handing a bundle of clothes to her.)

Hyewon sported a polo and shorts while Sakura shuffled in a baby pink blouse and leggings.

They parked at an empty spot atop a small hill, overseeing a view of the roof of a tall brown structure and a few neighbouring houses.

It looked nothing like a Western storybook barn, contrary to what Sakura had known a barn to look like. It had three parts to its roof, and behind it was a tall water tower, if Sakura remembered right what a water tower was.

Sakura saw what she was sure was a pig scrampering around and her stomach growled.

Hyewon must've heard it, because she laughed as she took Sakura's hand and walked down the hill carefully, looking out for any jutting stones or dips in the dirt.

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

"Not really," Sakura lied.

"What a lie," Hyewon scoffed, bringing her to the front of a large oak wood barn. Sakura stood with her hands folded politely in front of her behind Hyewon as she stepped up to the door.

"Hey, open up! It's me!" she yelled, smacking her palm on the wood.

A girl with a cheeky expression and mud on the front of her shirt opened the door to them.

"This is Sakura," Hyewon said, pushing her forward.

"Hi, I'm Yujin! Come in, you should be hungry," the girl greeted her, pulling her by her arms into the barn.

Nine other pairs of eyes surrounded her and she suddenly felt very self conscious.

"Hi," she said, timidly, making an effort not to cover her mouth while speaking. "Do- do any of you live here?"

"Nope," a girl with orange hair in a bun answered her. "Actually, Eunbi's aunt used to live here," she pointed at a woman with tied back hair and a faded blue tee, "so she pays the neighbours to take care of it. But we sometimes come down to help her whenever we're free! I'm Chaewon by the way."

"Do you want a cookie?" a small girl asked. She held a brown packet and wore a red-and-white striped blouse, which Sakura thought suited her well.

"I can't eat it..." she started. Hyewon filled in for her.

"Oh, right, sorry, Hyewon told us you aren't exactly human, right? I'm Nako, and I'm actually 150cm, not 149-"

"Alright Nako, alright," Yujin snorted. She doubled over when Nako punched her hip.

"Why are you all alright with me?" Sakura asked, a gleaming point of her canine showing.

A moment of silence passed over the girls until a husky voice interrupted. Straight brown hair and bangs caught her eye.

"We don't know, actually, but as long as you haven't murdered, or stolen, or raped, or pillaged, then you're good, right? I'm sorry - we didn't give you a proper intro, I'm Yuri, and the two fighting are Nako and Yujin; the person next to me is Yena, and she's Wonyoung," Wonyoung waved and grinned at Sakura, "the one who looks like a frog is Minju; and she's Hitomi, she's Chaeyeon, and the one with orange hair is Chaewon! Now you know us all, do you want chicken?"

Sakura blinked.

Wow, they're REAL friendly.

"Yes," she said, and laughed awkwardly, stepping back to behind the blonde girl - Chaeyeon, was it?

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