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"Sakura-ya, we've slept in..." Chaeyeon muttered, shaking Sakura gently behind her with one hand, rubbing the sleep from her eyes with the other.

Sakura just hummed and shifted her position as she hugged Chaeyeon's waist tighter. Yena snored nearby her leg. The carpet was a nice thing for something stored in the attic for drinking nights. The three had decided to sleep in since the weather was cold and comfortable.

"It's almost three," Chaeyeon continued, "and Hyewon and the rest will be back soon."

Sakura jumped up from the carpet and raced downstairs from the attic. She waited at the door like a happy puppy whose owner is soon to return from work.

After a few minutes of waiting, Yujin and Wonyoung showed up first. Strange, Sakura thought, Yujin normally gets the same after school train with Hitomi and Yuri?

Chaeyeon lead them to the dining table where she set two mugs of steaming chocolate in front of them. Yujin dusted off white specks of snow where it fell on her hair before sipping.

"How was school?" Yena asked. She received no reply.

"We didn-" Yujin started.

"School was great Yena, thanks for asking, Yujin just came out earlier and caught the first train with me," Wonyoung said quickly, clapping her hand over Yujin's mouth.

Over the next half an hour, Hyewon, Eunbi, Yuri, Hitomi, Nako, Minju, and Chaewon poured into the barn pink-nosed and half covered in light snowflake sprinkle.

"Sakura-ya," Hyewon said, smiling widely, holding out four presents in her hands. "The class got these for you as their sorry."

Sakura almost teared up. "Thank you," she croaked. They opened them together.

"This is from Jiwoo and Seunmi," Hyewon said, showing her the large bloody steak. Sakura would've been lying if she said her mouth wasn't watering.

"That's from Songpyo and the boys," Hyewon continued as she watched Yuri curiously lift the lid on the cardboard box. Inside was a bottle of banana milk and a whole raw chicken. "The sliced eels are from Sookyung and the fruit juice is from Daeman."

"You've been through a lot," Minju sniffed, hugging Sakura.

Chaeyeon clapped her hands. "Which one do you want to eat for dinner?"

Sakura shyly pointed at the steak. "Just half of it."

"Okay," Chaeyeon said, bringing it into the kitchen. "Are you guys okay with gamjatang?"

Everyone nodded together. Eunbi and Chaewon went in to help prepare dinner.


"Ahn Yujin!" Eunbi hissed at the end of the meal. "Your breath stinks!"

"If I had 1,000KRW for every time one of you said 'Ahn Yujin', I'd have enough to buy my uncle's office," Yujin said, grinning cheekily.

"You burped into her face, idiot," Hitomi pointed out.

"No I didn't!"

Sakura just happily licked off the last drops of blood from her plate.

"Guys? Can we clean up earlier today? Me and Yujin have some news," Wonyoung said.

"Are you guys dating too?" Nako groaned. "How many sets of parents am I gonna have now?"

"Well- didn't we already come out before Sakura came?" Yujin said. "Alright, Kkura, me and Wonyoung date. Now you understand that, we actually do have something more important to tell you. And it has to do with your safety."

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