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One Week Later


Ever since I first got here, everything has been like a roller coaster to me. Classes are going fine and I don't find any of the subjects hard. It must have something to do with the environment change and being away from home. It feels so relaxing to just be like every other teenage girl for a change. At least in some parts.

Yesterday I spoke to the swim coach and she gladly accepted my application to the team after I conducted some tests and told her a bit about my past with swimming. She told me she was impressed and would love for me to swim for her team in the championship that's coming up in a little less than three months. 

I'm happy to able to swim whenever I want and be a part of a team again, but I'm also a little scared it might steal important time I should be using doing homework or extra classes instead.

''Emily, what is your opinion?''

I looked up from my plate full of vegetables and noticed that all three girls were staring at me. ''Sorry, what did I miss?''

You know Spencer already, but the other ones are two new faces. Hanna and Sarah. Spencer and I got to know their faces during a lunch break at the end of last week and ever since that time we've been joining each other for every repast in the canteen. These two girls are the complete opposite of each other and can't get along for more than ten minutes, yet they are best friends and share the same dorm room.

''I was wondering if you like these tights more than the ones I was wearing yesterday?'' Sarah asked right before I felt a shoe nudge my tibia bone. I lifted up the tablecloth and peeked in, but noticed how the brunette spread her legs a little and from one second to another forgot what I was supposed to be looking at.

A finger slid down her thigh and then pointed upwards. That's when I realized I had been under there for too long. I quickly sat up straight and adjusted my uniform jacket. ''These ones are better, for sure.'' I hurried up to say before anyone would notice what just happened.

''That's what I've been saying this whole time!'' Hanna bursted out.

Sarah shrugged innocently. ''I guess I have to give up.'' She lowly said while looking me straight in the eye.

This girl is up to something. She's been all flirty with me ever since the first lunch break and I'd feel kinda rude to just led her on and then tell her that I'm taken. Well, not officially but in private.

Or at least I think I am. Alison and I haven't spoken since our moment in the toilet. Not on purpose, of course. I've just been busy with everything else here and she's working from early morning to late evening every day so we don't really get the opportunity to see each other. Especially since we're not supposed to be talking or interacting in any way. It makes it hard to even look at each other without someone noticing.

But she's still serving me food and drinks every day, so at least I get to see her beautiful face. I sure wish things were different here though. I wish I could be able to talk to Alison without breaking a rule, or getting expelled. But unfortunately, things don't always work out as you want them to.

''I guess we should head back, it's getting late.'' Hanna spoke up. We all agreed to end our dinner here and continue in one of our dorm rooms. It's Friday, so everyone is staying up later than usual. Everyone is going home tomorrow morning so it's fine if you're tired during the trip. ''Ours or yours?'' Hanna added after we had placed our trays where they belong and were on our way out of the building.

Spencer and I shared a glance, then bursted out laughing.

Hanna just stared at us. ''Did I say something funny?''

''No, absolutely not. Let's go to our room and have a foursome now.'' I said in a jokingly manner and literally pushed the girls towards our residence. Sarah and Spencer laughed as they understood that I was joking.

''I didn't mean it like that!!'' Hanna exclaimed with frustration and threw her hands up in the air.

Once I had stopped pushing the others, Sarah slowed down and began to walk by my side. I flashed her a friendly smile. ''You never told me how long you've been going here?''

''This is my second year.'' Sarah replied. ''My first one were tough.''

''How come?''

''It was just very stressful and I had a lot going on mentally. Nothing worth to be mentioned, really.'' Sarah said and tried to shrug it off.

''I see. Well, if you ever feel like it's worth to be mentioned, then you know where to find me.'' I told her.

Sarah chuckled and shot me a grin. ''And why should I be going to you?''

''Because I am literally the best listener at this place. You should hear when Spencer begins with her deep shit. I'm listening, every single time. I don't think many people would be able to do so without going nuts.''

''Alright then.'' Sarah said and intertwined our arms. ''Is it a promise?''

''Yeah, sure.''

''Then it's settled. I'll come to you.'' 


Hm.. It's finally time for this story to get some drama. Forbidden love can cause some trouble. Let's wait and see what happens when Alison finds out about this girl. That's If she ever finds out.. 

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