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Four Hours Later


The yellow taxi cab parked outside a six floor high building filled with apartments. I got out and felt how ninety percent of my muscles were tightened after the long trip. The longing to lie down could not be stronger right now.

''Here's your bags, Miss.'' The cab driver politely said and placed my bags next to me. I had already paid him before I got out so the only thing needed was to send him a grateful smile for the ride. He professionally adjusted his cap as a receipt of my gratitude.

I stood by the roadside and appreciated the building in front of me. The taxi cab disappeared around the corner, and I inhaled some fresh air before I stepped into the lobby. I hadn't been visiting Micah since he moved here about a year ago, so it was about time I did.

A man dressed in a black suit uniform walked up to me and casually took over the carrying of my bags. ''What floor are you going to, Miss?''

''Actually I'm not sure.. I'm here to visit Micah Dilaurentis.'' I mannerly told him and made sure to put on some charm.

''Then 3rd floor it is.'' He rigidly answered and motioned for me to enter the elevator before him. The ride up to the third floor was quiet, and I'm sure you could cut in the rigid atmosphere. ''Mr. Dilaurentis is in apartment number 9.'' The doorman enlightened me right before the doors slid open and all I could see was a long white corridor with doors on both sides.

Once we had reached apartment 9, the doorman gently placed my bags on the floor and then disappeared back to the elevator. That guy must've been single for a really long time. No man in a relationship can be that rigid and awkward.

I decided to wipe him off my mind, and knocked on the white door.

It took almost a minute, but then the door finally opened to reveal my brother's handsome smile and messy blonde hair. I immediately bended down and gave him a long hug. Apparently I had missed him more than I thought, because the tears wasn't far away once I smelled his perfume and felt his strong arms around me.

''Wow. You're glowing, Ali.'' Micah breathed out in admiration. He opened the door wider and rolled backwards with the wheelchair so I could get past him.

''And you're looking more handsome than ever.'' I complimented him and carried the bags into his apartment.

Micah chuckled and ran a hand through his messy hair. ''That's something I hear every time I roll outside this building.'' He said in a jokingly manner and winked at me before he swung around and disappeared further into the apartment.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him. He's just as silly and self-opinionated as I remember him. But it breaks my heart to see him in that wheelchair. You might think that after four years I should be used to it, but I'll never be. His life got turned upside down, but I don't think he recall it as something bad. According to what he has told me over the phone and at Christmas, he has never been this comfortable in his own body as he is now.

''Ali! Put your bags in the hallway and come on in!'' Micah yelled.

I dropped everything I held and took off my outerwear before I walked further down his apartment and ended up in the living room. It looked very different and clean, since he must be able to get access to every square meter of the room with his wheelchair.

I glanced on the walls. They were covered with oil paintings in many beautiful colors.

''Do you like them?'' Micah asked.

I nodded. ''Very much.''

Micah smiled genuinely. ''They are worth a lot. All of them are painted by Winslow Homer at the end of the nineteenth century.''

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