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I'm having one of those days (every day lol) when I miss Emison a lot. Can't they come back to us..?


Next Morning


My eyes flickered open and met the sunlight that shone in between the grey curtains. It clarified that I had just woke up in Alison's bedroom. 

It's much bigger and brighter than my dorm room, which can be a good thing if you want to feel like you're not sleeping in a basement, but if you feel like turn around and sleep for an extra hour, then I suggest the dorm room.

I rolled over and checked the time. 6;45 am. First period isn't starting until 9. I love this. Waking up and realizing how you can take all the time you want before you have to force your heavy ass out of bed and take responsibility for your life.

Alison was still heavily asleep, and wrapped up like a burrito with sheets covering her from top to toe. I scooted closer and laid an arm around her. 

Last night ended like I want every night to end, and not just because of the sex part, but because I also love falling asleep next to this burrito of mine. It's just as good as waking up hours later and realize that everything really did happen.

I put my arm up as support as I reached across the huge pile of quilts to kiss her on the head, then removed strands of her hair out of her face to I'd see that beautiful puppy face.

''Em.. Stop stealing my pancakes.. It's not yours..'' Those words broke me out of my wonderful morning trance and instead caused me to laugh in admiration. ''Em?'' I stopped laughing and looked down to see a pair of weary eyes try to get in contact with the world.


''Why can't I move?'' Alison anxiously asked and tried to untangle herself from the mess. When it didn't work out, she gave up and let out a loud groan as a sign that she needed help.

''I didn't hear a please.'' I teased and scooted apart from her.

''Dear Em, can you please help me out of here so I can slap you across the face for making fun of me in the morning??'' Alison blurted out and glared at me as good as she could, which wasn't impressive. She could barely look me in the eye, since two tons of quilts were in the way.

I chuckled and got up on my knees to remove the quilts one by one until she was completely naked in front of me. But I don't think she thought about it, based on how she spread her legs wide apart to stretch out, while I had a lot of other things occupying my mind.

Alison's movements froze as she caught me staring at her. ''And what do you find so damn interesting?'' She questioned. I just pointed at her, and that was when she finally looked down and realized what I meant. ''Dammit!'' She exclaimed and quickly covered herself up.

''No need for that. I've seen and felt all of you more times than I have fingers on both hands.'' I pointed out with a simple shrug and got out of her bed.

Alison gasped offensively and got up as well, only to walk around the bed and slap me across the face. ''I do not like you right now.''

''I know.'' I said lowly and swept my arms around her to pull our bodies together before I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. ''You love me.'' After those words were said, I felt another slap on my left cheek. ''Ouch. Seems like you enjoy hurting me after all.'' I said and rubbed the spot she just hit.

''And you're the one to talk? I can barely walk after what you put me through last night!'' Alison remarked and in a millisecond let go of the sheet covering her body and just let it fall to the floor.

I squinted my eyes to try and read her face. ''And you want me to do it again..?'' I guessed. It was the wrong thing to say, since her eyes could've killed me in a heartbeat once those words has escaped between my lips.

''Absolutely not.'' Alison said while sounding surprisingly calm. I was expecting another slap, or even worse. ''But you're right about one thing though.'' She shrugged and started to get dressed.

''And that is..?'' I pointed out to remind her that I haven't got an answer yet.

Alison smiled and stepped up close to me, ran her hands through my curls and kissed me softly before she replied, ''I do love you.''

I felt how my body temperature increased as I heard her say it. She had never said those words before. The only thing I knew was that what we had was special to her, but not precisely what she felt for me. To get confirmed that she actually loves me the way I love her means the world to me. But there's still a ton of problems waiting for us, but with her by my side I'm willing to take the risk of trying to get through this year.

''I love you too.'' I said and caressed her soft cheeks with my thumbs. ''I promise not to get into any trouble from now on, so you can go home and visit your parents more often.''

Alison's lips twitched upwards, but the smile faded just as fast. ''That's sweet of you. But if I'm being honest, I can stand being here if I know that you'll be sleeping next to me every night.''

''Sounds like you want me to move in.'' I said in a jokingly manner and chuckled. But she stayed deadly serious. I yanked my head back in surprise. ''Seriously?''

''It can't be officially.. But I'd love that.'' Alison mumbled and I caught her blushing a little. It was so fucking cute.

''Then I will.'' I stated.

Now it was her turn to look surprised. ''B-but.. I-I thought.''

''Well, not now in this exact moment. I'm afraid I have to tell my roommate why I'm moving out, sort of..''

Alison's facial expression turned into fear. ''You're going to tell someone about us?''

I nodded slowly. ''I have to. But I trust Spencer. She's my best friend after all. And I happen to know her deepest secrets, so I think she deserves to know why I'm leaving. It doesn't feel right to just disappear without telling her why.''

Alison hesitated, but eventually nodded in agreement. ''Alright. If you trust her, then so do I.''

I cracked a big smile and kissed her on the forehead before I started to get dressed. I must head back and tell Spencer right away, or I'm afraid she'll figure it out on her own and Spencer's eyes are not to play with when she gets mad.

''I'm going there to talk to her now.'' I told Alison while I threw on my white shirt and uniform jacket on top of it. Alison walked up to me and began to button the buttons. ''I forgot about those.'' I shamefully whispered.

''I noticed. That's why I'm stepping in so nobody else can drool over you on your way there.'' Alison said and kissed me on the cheek before I sneaked out of her apartment and ran out of the building so no one would see me. Thankfully I succeeded this time too.

Through all darkness, there is light.

And Alison Dilaurentis is my light. 

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