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All three of us sat around the dinner table. Emily's stepfather went into the bedroom, since he had been eating already. Mrs. Fields had been nothing but nice to me so far, but I also noticed that she was very curious to know more about me. It felt quite sad that I couldn't tell her the truth about Emily and I. Somehow I think she's decent enough to how things really are.

''This was delicious, Mrs. Fields.'' I complimented the food she had brought to the table. She sure knew how to cook.

Mrs. Fields smiled heartwarming. ''Thank you, dear. But please call me Pamela. We're not so strict in this household.'' I nodded in return. Pamela looked up from her plate after she swallowed another bite. ''So, how long have you known my daughter Alison?''

I finished chewing before I responded; ''We met at Jefferson's only a couple of days after Emily got there.''

''Oh. Sounds like you two found each other pretty fast then.'' Pamela simply said while looking at her daughter for confirmation. Emily drank a sip of her water and nodded. ''You should know.. I'm not used to Emily bringing home friends. Sometimes I wonder if she thinks I'm too embarrassing to introduce to her friends.'' Pamela jokingly said.

I glanced at Emily, who just kept eating without a sound.

''Well, I'm very thankful for meeting Emily. She really did change my perspective on many things.'' I explained. Eventually Emily looked up from her plate and made eye-contact with me. Her facial expression was natural. I've noticed ever since we first stepped into this apartment, Emily's not the same person.

''Oh, I bet she did. Her views can sometimes put me in place. She thinks a little bigger than I do.'' Pamela proudly laid a hand on Emily's shoulder. Emily only looked at her mother for a second, then smiled a little at me before she went back to eating.

Something's telling me Emily does not like being here at all. Makes me wonder if there's more to it than just her stepfather being a complete asshole.

''Not that it matter but.. how old are you Alison?'' Pamela asked.

Emily's face shot up in fear. We shared a look, but I had already decided to do as Emily earlier suggested. I can't risk getting involved with the police. Emily's mother seems like a good person, but it's also clear that she's on the stepfather's side. It could mean that he manipulates her into the telling the police about us.

''I just turned nineteen a couple of weeks ago.'' I replied as trustworthy as possible.

Pamela nodded and seemed a little concerned. ''Do the two of you really have much in common then? There's after all a three year gap.''

''At Jefferson's most of the students get along, no matter the age. You know what they say, age is just a number.'' I said in a jokingly manner.

Emily chuckled. Pamela and I tilted our heads to look at the brunette.

Pamela ignored Emily's utterance and faced me again. She gently placed a hand above mine on the table and scooted a little closer. ''Alison.. Is Emily doing alright in school?''

''Mom!'' Emily scolded. ''I'm sitting right here?''

''But you never tell me how you are, or how everything is going in school.'' Pamela defended her question. ''I barely have any contact with you anymore, Emmy. I don't know if you're happy, sad or ill. The only information I get is the one Principal Murphy tells me every month about your classes. But I never get it confirmed that you're even alive.'' Pamela dispassionately explained.

Emily shook her head with a blank expression. ''Have you even thought about why I never call you?''

''Yes, I have. But I find no reasonable motive why you would decide to shut me out like this.'' Pamela said.

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