Chapter 5

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"Lyall! What is happening?" Hope exclaimed as her husband rushed through the door with a small girl in his arms.

"I don't really know, but I found her wandering through the streets of a muggle town. She could barely walk. I couldn't very well heal her there. The muggles were starting to wake up and I didn't have any healing potions on me." He told her as he set Nova down on the couch.

He took out his wand and started muttering spells. The girl's cuts and bruises immediately began to heal.

"Who is she, Lyall?" Hope asked taking in the girl's tribal dress and shawl. Her hair was tangled and full of ash. And her skin which looked to be tan underneath was also covered in ash.

"Before she passed out, she told me her name was Nova. And honestly, that's all I know."

"Mum? Dad? What's going on?"

Hope and Lyall jumped. They hadn't heard their son come down the stairs.

"Come, Remus, help me set up the guest room." Hope said moving towards the stairs. Hoping to distract her son for a while, while Lyall worked on healing Nova.

While Remus worked on getting the sheets on the bed, Hope found a spare change of clothes for Nova and grabbed a bowl of water along with some washcloths.

She walked back down the stairs and saw her husband looking through the cabinets in the kitchen for the potion he wanted.

Hope closed the door to the living room and started cleaning the small girl off. As she worked, the ashes on the girl's skin were wiped away and revealed tan skin.

After she was done she took the spare clothes she had found and put them on the girl.

After Hope found a spare blanket and draped it over Nova, she returned to her knitting.

After about half an hour, Nova stirred from her sleep and looked around the living room. Her eyes finally came to rest on Hope.

"Where am I? Who are you?" She asked the woman.

"I am Hope Lupin. My husband found you and brought you back to our house so he could heal you."

It was then that Lyall came in with the potion he had found.

"Here you go. This will help with any pain you may still have." Lyall told Nova handing her the cup.

As Nova sat up, she winced as she felt her neck cramping up.

Lyall noticed and pulled out his wand.

"Here, let me help you with that." He said pointing his wand at her and getting ready to cast the spell.

He didn't get the chance to as Nova's eyes widened and her breathing became fast.

"You're one of them!"

A Shifter Secret (Under MAJOR editing)Where stories live. Discover now